Getting Eren Back

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Hi! I'm so excited because this is Levi's big plan to get Eren back! This song is supposed to be played when it says "play song" or you won't get it. DONT PLAY THE SONG UNTIL IT SAYS SO! I just needed to say that so you guys would understand;) On to the story!!!


I was still depressed about Levi, but Mikasa was there to help. I all I could think about was him and when I thought about him, I'd cry. I came down the stairs and ate." Glad you came and ate, that's good." Mikasa said with a relieved smile. She was probably worried I wouldn't eat." Why don't we go out and take a walk to the park." she asked. My face dulled at the thought of the park." I know that's the last place you want to go, but please." she gave me here pleading face and I sighed giving a ok. I got up after eating and got dressed."Ready to go," she asked before heading off to the park.


Mikasa and I took a stroll around the park before getting a ice cream and sat down on the fountain. We talked before she said," I have to go to the bathroom." then she left. I sat there waiting for her until I saw Levi. He was the last person I want to see. I watched him as he walked over with, a boom box? " Hey," he said. I wanted to cry but not in public." I won't try to persuade you but just let say this," he bent down and pressed a button on the boom box. Music started playing.
* play music*

Levi started mouthing the words I listing carefully to. Then a whole bunch of people came beside him and started dancing. I looked at him confused. Then I got it, I didn't know what to do. He was singing these words to me and I then I thought I shouldn't cry. He picked up my hand and kissed it. I put my hand to my mouth gasping. Then I knew I should've let him explain and that he truly loved me to ever do that to me. He stepped closer to me and kissed me and for the first time in a long time, I felt content. He grabbed both my hands and entangled the fingers while laying his forehead on mine and the song ended. I thought to myself and said screw "no crying in public" I cried and cried with the biggest smile on my face. I looked him in the eye and said...

Boom! Cliffhanger! How did you like it? Levi is so cute right! I wish Levi was my boyfriend or I had a boyfriend that would do that for me. I'm lonely:( but I have you guys!


P.S. The story isn't over yet:p

I looked him in the eyes and said I love you and gave him the most passionate kiss.

Bye! Have a nice rest of the day!

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