Chapter 24 - Grand Opening

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Something has happened. For the last week Mario and Massimo have been at home and not going anywhere. Due to this, I have been unable to get anymore intel on what their plans are.....

I have been keeping in contact with Lorita Graniescu, and she seems willing to do business with me. Being a woman who has made it to the top I have the utmost respect for her, and to have the opportunity to not only be in business with her, but share in the girl power our transactions will bring makes this takeover of Massimo's plans all the more worthwhile.....

I now know how much more collateral I will need, and I intend on getting every quarter necessary. Philipe has a reserve, and if I can work my charms with him, I just might be able to work my way in....
This morning Olga has received word from Poland - her associates have done what we have requested, and the finished product looks so good you wouldn't know the websites have been professionally hacked or altered.

Once I spoke to Massimo and Mario, we decided to step up the plans. Now we are in a strong position to see this conclude - much earlier than expected.....

Olga has asked when she can see Laura, and while I can't give her a definitive answer just yet I am hoping it will be soon, very soon....

Until this situation is under our control, we are all keeping close to home. Anna seems to be doing the same, and it appears to be a classic fight of who can outwit the other.

Me, well, I have my money on Massimo and Laura, always.....
Everything is a go. I have managed to sweet talk Philipe into providing me the financial assistance I need - but I had to promise some things, that sadly for him, I won't be fulfilling.

Now I have the assets required, I am ready to make my proposal to Lorita Graniescu, and if I am successful, this will prove very fruitful indeed.....

Until I am able to finalise arrangements with Lorita, I am staying put in Sicily. I am feeling a little lonely and unloved, and what is more problematic is Massimo hasn't made any effort to touch me at all.

I will need to do something about this, as this was not what I had planned. For now, I need to keep my head in the game, and that is exactly what I intend to do....
This is it, Anna is calling me. I let her know what financial deposits will be required, and she is more than happy to invest with me. Little does she know where the money is really going, and when I receive all of her capital I will be gladly handing it over to Malagio Holdings.....

Mario and Massimo are aware this will be our golden move, but it is the riskiest card I have to play. Gio is very much missing his father, and our son has been very clingy with me the last few days.

Scooby Doo has kept him occupied, but I know where we need to be. I will need to return to Rome soon, as we are in the final stages of the Casino being ready for business. I have a regal Grand Opening planned, and I would love to be there as Laura Biel, not Lorita Graniescu....
Confirmation has just been received, Anna has wired the money I requested. Now she has taken the bait, it is now time for Mario and Massimo to do their thing - to say this has been a long time coming is an understatement......

I call Mario, and Massimo is with him. They are both delighted to hear Anna is putting all her eggs in our basket, and as we prepare for the next stage of the plan, I ask Mario if Olga has managed to reach out to her associates back in Poland.

To my delight, Mario gladly informs me we are ready to go, so I now ask him to give Olga the go ahead. As a result of this, I will be ensuring Olga is given the most profitable company to keep.

As Anna is also signing over Philipe's assets as well, it is fitting Olga receives financial reward for her assistance and involvement. I truly miss her, and maybe one day she will understand why I had to do what I did....

Mario and I finish our call, and I can sense Massimo wanting to say more. I want that too, but first, we need to take out the trash....
Massimo and I have just spoken to Laura, and so far we are on target to not only get rid of Anna, but gain control of not just hers, but Philipe's assets as well.

Laura has received the monies from Anna, and she is now transferring them over to Malagio Holdings. Massimo is becoming antsy, and I know he wants this over - I want that too, but first, we need to take care of the business at hand....

In the meantime, we need to keep the pressure up on Anna. Little does she know she is about to sign over to everything to Massimo, as for me, having the family united as a whole is my sole objective - if the family makes money out of the deal, it will be more than satisfying.....
After just getting off the phone with Laura, I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I am not known for being a patient man, and if I want something, I just take it without thought or reservation.....

Bloody Anna. If I had ever envisaged what a cold hearted bitch she is I would never have gone there. It just goes to show you never truly know someone until you see what is beneath the surface....

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