Chapter 21 - Long Odds On

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Last night was wonderful. I wake up and see Massimo is still asleep, and it is only 6am. As much as I want to stay here in bed with my love, I need to check on Gio.

My little man is awake, and is babbling to himself. I am all warm and fuzzy, as I think he will be ready to talk soon. He sees me and reaches for me. I give my little man a kiss and a cuddle, and my son has a big smile on his face....

Massimo is awake, and after taking Gio from me, our son wraps his arms around Massimo and he becomes emotional. I explain that I have photos of him everywhere at home, and Gio has always known who he is.....

While he is definitely a Mummy's Boy, he is enjoying having his father in his life now. We organise what we want for breakfast, and after we have eaten Gio is watching his favourite talking dog.

I am waiting for Mario, as we need to organise our little set up for Anna. I have gone to put my mask back on, and I ask Massimo to be in the office with Mario when he makes the call - this has to be convincing, and if I can pull this off, Anna will wish she has never met me......
I can't remember the last time I felt this happy. I have just woken up, and I see Laura is not in bed. It is still early, and I hear Laura and our son.

I get up and put some clothes on, and find my family. The moment I walk in the room, Gio is smiling and I can't help myself. I take my son from Laura, and I ask the chefs to make us some breakfast.

Thankfully Anna is not here, she didn't come back last night. This will help with Laura and Gio leaving here to go back to Las Vegas. I am not happy about this, but for Laura's plan to work, I need to be on board with this....

We eat breakfast together, and then we place Gio on the couch. I will never know how he can stand to watch a talking dog, but nevertheless, he loves it so who am I to question it......

Laura and I have a quick chat, and she goes to put her mask back on. I await Mario, as we need to work out what we are going to say to draw her in.....

Soon enough, Mario joins us, and Laura tells us what she thinks the conversation should be. I need to be with Mario when he makes the call, and Laura says she will do the rest. We are ready to do this, and this is the start of Anna's downfall.....
Mario has just been here, and we are now ready to go. Massimo is with him, and I have told them to make this a Skype call, so it looks like I am not in the vicinity......

Massimo starts the call, and as we converse Mario chimes in and we set the trap. Now, it is a waiting game, but if I were a poker player, I would bet long odds on we have the ace.....

Within fifteen minutes, Massimo and Mario walk in, and they have organised for Gio and I to head back to Las Vegas. My love looks sad, and I walk into his arms and tell him we need to do this.....

Within an hour we are at the Airport ready to depart. Only Mario takes us to the Airport, as we don't want to tip Anna off to anything. Massimo was emotional as we were leaving home, and I promise we will get through this - very soon if I get my way.....
Mario and I, with Laura's guidance, have set the trap for Anna. Laura's suggestion to make it a Skype call was brilliant, and we have now laid the foundations for what is to come.

My love played her part so well, and I am so proud of her. She feels confident this will work, and I have to say, after seeing what just happened, I am increasingly hopeful this will work out.....

Once we finished 'the call,' Mario quickly organised a flight for Laura and Gio back to Las Vegas. I am still not happy about this, but Laura is right - the further they are away from here the easier it will be to thwart Anna.....

When it is time for them to leave, I become emotional. I want them here with me, but I need to put Laura and Gio's safety first and foremost. Only Mario goes with them to the Airport, as I don't want to tip my hand - yet.....

Watching them leave is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and Laura promises this will work. The moment the car was out of sight, tears fell from my eyes. I have only just got my family back, and now I have to let them go again.

Oh Anna, you have no idea how much I loathe you.......
Watching my cousin break down is not pretty. I am so relieved Laura and Gio are alive, and I can only hope we rid ourselves of this vermin, and soon.....

For now, I will be doing my best to ensure Massimo keeps a level head, but at least knowing Laura and Gio are alive and we know where they are will make life much easier.

Looking at Massimo now, do I see the man he wants to be - family comes first, and now I have my own family, I understand the importance of this situation - there is no room for errors or mistakes. This is our one chance to make this count, and if I can help bring that mole down, I will, gladly......

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