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Hermione's pov
I left the Griffindoor common room and headed towards the great Hall, I met with Harry and Ron and we sat together at the Griffindoor table, while Ron stuffed his mouth and Harry talked to Ginny I couldn't get Jayden out of my head, but not in a romantic way I couldn't stop thinking about the story he told me about his fight with Malfoy, just then Dumbledore made an announcement:
"There will be no classes today as the professors have a dire matter to discus"
Wonder what that could be I thought to myself.
I saw Jayden stand and walk out of the great hall And i got up to follow, with Ron and Harry inches behind me,
When we got to the r.o.r everyone else in the d.a was already there, about 2 hours in Harry came to Ron and I as Jayden was with a Hufflepuff student whom I didn't know this time, when Ron cast the spell Harry commented saying
"You've gotten a little worse, Ron what happened there?
Are you implying just cause mum gave me some tips you're suddenly deciding I'm not as good and my parents aren't as good as you,
What no when did I say that
Besides it's not like you can get pointers from your parents so how is it you're place to judge" everyone gasped at the reference to Harry's parents,
"thanks for the reminder Ron cause I never knew,
Your welcome you pathetic orphan"
I could see Harry snap, he turned around and punched Ron square in the nose
"Fight, fight, fight, fight!!!!!" The croud cheered
Ron then fought back and shoved him against a wall with his hands to Harry's throat, everyone had formed a half circle around the pair, I was beginning to worry as his face began to turn purple while he fought Ron's grip
"Ron STOP!" I pled trying to drag him away from Harry but to no avail,
"You stay out of this you filthy disgusting mud blood!"
I began to cry at his comment I expected it from Draco but never from Ron,
I was struggling to hold back the tears now and braking into a sob
Jayden's pov
I drew my wand to the side of his throat and held it there with what I hoped was as blank a expression as possible,
"What do you want,
Well letting go of potter's throat would be a great start,"he then violently threw his hands from Harry's neck and shoved him to the ground,
"Next you can leave Hermione the hell out of this
She can stay out of-
Shut up!
whatever," he mumbled under his breathe
"Finnally you can leave this room until your over your little tantrum,
FLIPENDO!"he yelled. Fine if that's how he wanted it
"FLIPENDO RICTUSEMPRA EXPELLIARMUS,"I casted all together once he dropped his wand he stalked towards me and punched me in the face then the jaw then the eye, he then proceeded to punch my throat against the wall then I flipped him around and drew my wand to his forehead at that moment the doors thrusted open and Dumbledore came charging in
"What is the meaning of this!
Jayden just assaulted me sir!"this came from Ron, I then created my plan.
"Sir he's lying ja-"Hermione trued to say from the side
"No sir he's telling the truth."
Everyone looked at me when I denied Hermione's assistance and admitted to Ron's lie,
"He began speaking of Mr potter's parents and I overreacted, I am very sorry for my actions, it will not happen again,
Very well Mr clawheart thankyou for your honesty, you may say goodbye to your friends and then I expect to see you in my office.
Very well professor."
When he left Hermione broke out and began yelling:
if there's one thing that I'll do right it's keep my promises
What is that supposed to mean"coming from Ron
"That's none of your business,
Jayden you'll be expelled for this why did you do this to yourself  you want to protect me but here you are breaking my heart, getting yourself expelled, and giving Ron exactly what he wants," there was one line I couldn't wrap my head around,: broke my heart, what was that supposed to mean. The doors once again opened and Dumbledore once again entered the room,
"Mr clawheart, your fate has been decided"
Hermione then went on to sprint out of the room crying, and I left with the professor.

Still Jayden's pov
"Mr clawheart you are aware that the punishment for your actions is expulsion yes,
Indeed sir,
May I ask why?
Why what sir?
That you chose to lie and yet the consequences conflict with your own benefit,
It was never for my own benefit sir
I don't think I follow,
It was to protect my friends,
By getting yourself expelled,? What really happened in that room Mr clawheart"
I then went on to tell him about the real encounter and at the end what he said shocked me:
"I will not expell you jayden for the mere reason that it was a lie to protect your friends,
Thankyou sir
However keep in mind if the accusations were true so would be the consequences,
I'm aware sir
Away with you now I believe you must tend to miss Granger
Indeed, thankyou sir
Very well

An:Ello chaps hope you enjoyed chapter 6, 975 words today let's gooooo, anyways byeeeeeeeeeeeee
P.s I just realised that the whole time I have been calling him Jayden when it's actually ment to be Jason so ye en-way shanks for reading.


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