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Jayden's pov
when I walked down to the great Hall I found Hermione standing right next to the entrance to the r.c common room (an btw imma just call it r.c for Ravenclaw cause I'm lazy)
"Hi"she began
"Hey how are you"
"Good you?"
"Not bad, not bad"
"Jayden you know what I really want to talk about
Yes I do and I don't particularly fancy talking about it, myself
Why did you sign up?
Hermione I told you I don't want to talk about please just drop it
No Jayden Clawheart I want to know why you signed up to Dumbledore's army.
I Said I Don't Want To Talk About It Hermione just stop and leave me alone maybe Ron was right and I am just a backstabbing jerk but will you just leave me the hell alone!
I-Im sorry
I didn't mean to snap at her so quickly and I realised immediately the mistake I had made I I figured the best move was to give her, her space and time. I quickly decided to skip breakfast and go straight to the r.o.r to practice my patronus once I made it to the entrance and looked around to make sure noone was around, once I was sure I headed in and saw the worst face in the world to see on a Saturday morning.
Draco's pov
I knew it, I knew clawheart would come to practice or train or whatever nerds in r.c do,
"Clawheart"I say happily
"I Challenge you to a duel"
"For what prize?
I win you stay away when I torment your little girlfriend, you win, because I know you won't: I'll leave her alone and Potter you and weasle-bee.
I imagined a dueling mat in the middle of the room (an imagine the mat they used in the chamber of secrets) and we took our places, we draw our wands walk away from each other turn 180 degrees and bow(is that the right order??????) And we began to cast:
(PS they trade spells starting with Draco)
Avada, Kedavra
Before my curse even got half way a blinding blue light rushed towards me, about 2 Meters away (PS it's a big mat;/)it began to breathe a massive plume of fire in my direction and suprisingly it burnt, like hell and everything went black while my body jolted in every physicaly possible direction, yep it's another trip to the hospital wing
Jayden's pov
I was scared, truely scared by what I had done to Draco, he was covered in burns and it was my fault but at least I could still see his chest rising and falling signifying he was still alive, somehow it was instinct to cast the patronus charm against his Avada Kedavra I couldn't tell anyone about that, not even Hermione it was to dangerous. And I couldn't drag her into this , when I made it to the hospital wing I was absolutely wasted, madame pomfrey came to the entrance saw me and looked surprised and worried, all I could say was:
And then I blacked out
Hermione's pov
Why- that's been my catchphrase recently, why does everyone hate me, Ron hates me for being friends with Jayden, Jayden hates everything about me as he proves by constantly pushing me away from him when I try to help, and Harry acts like he doesn't hate me but his show doesn't fool me, I know he hates my attitude of seniority, what's wrong with me? A voice inside my head said absolutely everything and my life is pointless, I had been ignoring the voices for the last few weeks but it just got harder and harder, and the hardest thing is I new they were right,just before I got up to leave the great Hall madame pomfrey came running in and went straight to Dumbledore, huh that can't be good, I thought in the back of my mind, however I chose to ignore it and began walking towards the doors when Dumbledore said:
"Miss Granger
Yes sir?"I said turning around,
"I would like you to come with me,
O-k sir"
As he began walking towards me I wondered where we were going he walked past me and made a hand motion telling me to follow,
"I understand you are quite close to Mr clawheart yes?" He began
"Not really, no sir
Do you really believe that miss Granger
Yes sir
I'm sure this will change your feelings"
He said as we reached the hospital wing,
What I saw when I opened the door was horrific I saw Jayden looking like he hadn't slept in years unconcious showing no signs of breathing I also saw Malfoy next to him covered in burns,
"What happened?
I was going to ask you the very same thing miss Granger.

A.n hello there my lads and ladettes 827 words, we're nearing the 1000 mark pretty quickly, anyways as always comment your opinion on the chapter, also you may notice some new sides of characters rising to the surface HM HM? Yeh well anyway no spoilers so see y'all in the next one

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