still Monday:to mend a broken heart.

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Jason's POV
I went to the library to try and find Hermione and to no ones surprise that's exactly where she was finishing what looked like some homework,
I sat down silently across from her and didn't speak for about a minute until she began-
Listen I kno-
Mione I know it was my fault
Wha-? That wasn't your fault Ron just went at Harry for no reason,
Jason please, you can't blame yourself for that git's actions,
Hermione I need to ask you about something,
In the room of requirement you said a few things
Oooh, right?
And o-one of them was breaking my heart?
Was there any- I don't know, reasoning behind that specific choice of words?
Honestly, I don't know, they just came out of my mouth, I don't know why, I know we're just friends I just-"
The last bit hurt, why I don't know, but we're just friends hurt,
But I don't like Hermione like that do I-
At that moment Harry walked in looking concerned
"Oh Harry" Hermione started
"Hermione, Jason,
I'll leave you two to it I guess I've got homework to finish,
Hermione's POV

Harry sat down beside me and he looked really worried, I hope He's ok I have so many problems in my life I think I'll crush under another one,

-Harry,"Are you ok,

-Hermione,:In what way,

-Harry: Ron?

-Hermione: yeah I'm fine, really you don't have to worry about me,
Harry's POV
Here goes, this could go really badly but I have to try
-Harry: Is it Jason?

-Hermione: j-Jason no n-no it's not jason,

-Harry: are you sure?

-Hermione, YES I am sure that it is not Jason, so just give up Harry your not helping anyone, I Already have a lot on my plate and could do with you not adding to it!

-Harry: I'm sorry, I just thought I could help,

-Hermione: thank you for trying but I'm just not in it at the moment, please just-

-Harry: i'll go,
Hermione's POV
I didn't really want to yell at harry but I just- I don't even know, one thing I noticed and felt bad for was I saw Jason look hurt when I said we were just friends, he doesn't, he doesn't like me does he? No that can't be right he can't like me, a pathetic mudblood who's only good for tests and homework, no, its decided then he definitely does NOT love me,

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