first day

732 12 9

You wake up to your mom screaming to get your ass down stairs to hurry up and eat breakfast, youre still practically sleeping so it took you a moment to process that you had 30 minutes to eat and get yourself ready for the first day at your new school.

It was the first time going to school after 6 months. You had begged your parents to let you drop out of school after accidentally losing control of your quirk and causing your friend to end up in the hospital with severe injuries. You hated your quirk and refused to use it since.

The worst part, you thought was that even if you had a healing quirk it wouldn't have been of any help to injuries that bad. The fear of hurting someone else overwhelmed you, refusing to go to school and begged to stay home after overhearing the word "monster" and your name in the same sentence.

Finally your parents came to an agreement and thought that it would be best to move.

Practically choking on the piece of toast stuffed into your mouth, while running upstairs to the bathroom you checked the time to see that you had less than 15 minutes to get ready. You put on your new uniform which you had found quite gross and claimed that it looked 'musty'. The first thing that you put on was the baggy pair of green pants, although they were quite tight to you considering your size, and then proceeded with the white button up and the red tie. There was 10 minutes left as you headed downstairs and put on your f/c(favorite color) f/s(favorite shoes). Your mom hurried out of the kitchen to say bye.

M/N: have a good day y/n, do your best

Y/n:  don't worry I will.

She had gotten on her tiptoes to give you a kiss on her forehead, since you were over a head taller than her. As you walk out the door you hear your mom scream at you.


you lift your hand up and waved back at her

sprinting down the street and cringing at the fact that you'll be late on your first day, you finally made it to the front gate, and start to make your way into class 1A.


I walk in and look around, I see a girl with pink hair and dark eyes, a redhead with weird spiky hair, a literal bird-, a girl with bright pink cheeks and brown hair, a quiet boy with green hair, and some kid that looked like a peppermint. As I take a step forward a yellow sleeping bag appeared from behind the desk.

Aizawa: As you all should realize, we have a new student.

Y/n: hi, im y/n l/n and I moved here from C/n (country name)

Aizawa: If you all have any questions for y/n, you can ask them now.

I looked around and pointed to the a girl with brown hair and big eyes.

uraka: Im Ochako Uraka!!! And um I was wondering how you learned Japanese because yours sounds really good!

Y/n: We were required to take a language class at my old school and I thought Japanese would be cool to learn, so I guess it just happened to pay off.

there was a boy with spiky blonde hair who honestly speaking, I feel like he wanted to knock my head off. He stood up, he was actually quite shorter than I had imagined

???: Why's an extra like you even here.

I stood there picturing my friend in the hospital because of me, I scowled at the thought and I think my expression pissed the boy off because he threw himself back into his chair.

???: Tch... whatever.

I didn't even get his name, oh well. I scan the room once more to see that the pink haired girl shot her hand up.

Mina: My name is Mina Ashido but please just call me mina! How tall are you and are you single!!!!

Y/n: Um... im 192cm(6'3) and certainly single, but i dont planning on dating anybody at the moment.


after she had finished and sat down the green haired boy raised his hand

Midoriya: Im izuku midoriya and i have two questions..... what's your quirk and how does it work!

I didn't want to mention the quirk that I resented so I just came up with a short answer

Y/n: Well I can heal certain injuries as long as they're not major....

there was a moment of silence after my answer but the silence was broken by aizawa clearing his throat and pointed to the seat in front of the blonde boy.

Aizawa: you can sit in front of Bakugo.

A/n-*ew this is so fucking cliche*

So that was his name! I headed over to the seat and sat down. the rest of class was quite boring but I just sat there and hoped I wouldn't  run into any trouble. it was time to leave and I started to pack my books up when I felt a tap on my shoulder...


ew 😟

I hate this but anyways!

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