game night

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I turned around to the the spiky blonde haired kid {I think his name was bakugo} poking my shoulder with a pencil. Of course he had that pissed off look again, his red eyes looked like they were gonna burn a hole through me.

Y/n: Um yes?

Bakugo: Did you think I was finished, you still haven't answered my damn question.

Y/n: What was the question again....

bakugo: why the hell are you even here

I tried to hurry up and think of a reason but I could hear him growl over how slow I was being.

Y/n: well I guess I just wanted a change.

He rolled his eyes and walked out, well I guess my answer was pretty boring.

3rd person POV

It was now lunch time, after you got you food you hear your name being called. You could see a pink hand gesturing for you to go in that direction.

Mina: Y/n over here, you can sit next to me.

You walk over and sit down you can see a few faces that you don't quite know yet, but one thing you notice is that bakugo was also there. The other kids introduce themselves, you sit there listening to their conversations yet don't really feel like joining in so you just eat your lunch. After lunch was over, the rest of the day went by nicely until Aizawa approaches you with Bakugou by his side. You look at his face and can see that he was about to have a conniption.

Aizawa: Y/n since there are no extra dorms, you will have to stay with bakugo.

This statement made you frown slightly, you look over at bakugo and see him glaring at you.

Aizawa: Well that's all, you two should get going.


After Aizawa walked away bakugo did also, I didn't even think about following him and stood there trying to figure out what the hell just happened. If he has that much of a problem with it I guess I could just go home.


Y/n: Oh yeah...

I start walking and it didn't take that long to catch up because my legs are longer than his.

Y/n: ...sorry

Bakugo: Whatever

we finally reached the dorms and went to his room. I was in front of him at this point so as he went to open the door he "shoved" me to the side. I say shoved that way because we are practically completely different in size and he barely did anything.

Bakugo: you can throw your shit over there

I put my stuff in the corner that he had pointed to. But what's his problem, he acts like I even want to be here.

Y/n: you know if you're against this so much I could just ask if I could stay with somebody else. you really think I wanna be here with you of all people...

wait... probably should not have said that. I look up to see him walking towards me.

Y/n: umm sorry?

he puts his hand on my shoulder and I lightly chuckle at the height difference which set him off even more.

Bakugou: Listen here you damn extra you think I wanna do this shit, if I don't ill get my quirk erased by sleeping bag.

Y/n: okay fi- {why is my shoulder burning}

this startles me and I completely forgot about my quirk. bakugou yanks his hand off grasping onto his own shoulder.


Y/n: im...{why can't I get anything out of my mouth, what just happened? I said I wasn't gonna use it}

Bakugo looked at me with a combination of shock, concern, anger, and confusion. the only thing I can do now is try and use my other quirk. I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder {thank god I only used 4% of my quirk} once im finished he throws my hand off and walks away.

Bakugo: im going to take a shower don't do anything stupid, got it?

Y/n: im sorry...

taken aback from what just happened I decide to go out and explore, as I open the door I see mina with a big smile on her face.

Mina: OMG OMG OMG you HAVE to join us for game night!

she grabs my arm before I could even answer {should I wait for bakugou... nah he's probably still mad, its not like he cares anyways} I let mina lead the way, dragging me by my arm... well I wouldn't say "dragging". We get to a circle of people on the floor and mina makes me sit next to her.

Bakugos POV

what the fuck was that, I mean guess it kinda was my fault for burning him but how the hell did I end up getting burnt too?????? And then he goes and looks at me with those sad eyes {it was kinda cute......... wait- WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING???!!"&*!##%??}. Okay so if my actions also have an effect on me.... then does it have to do with his quirk? but he only mentioned that he could heal{I mean that part was true}. Why am I even thinking about this right no-

Bakugou: OW SHIT

I quickly rinse the soap that just got in my eyes out with water. {Lemme go see what that idiots up to now}.
I walk out of the bathroom and look around the room.... NOW WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO!

Bakugou: Y/N! I SWEAR TO GOD.

3rd person POV

You sit down next to mina and hear someone call your name

Kirishima: HEYYY Y/N!

Y/n: Oh hey.... kirishima was it?

Kirishima: Ouch that hurt bro, can't even remember my name *sniff sniff*.

you laugh at him fake crying.

Mina: Okay lets play truth or dare, ill go first! (a/n: wow some even more cliched shit)

Mina: Truth or dare Y/n?

Y/n: uh I guess truth.

Mina: Okay! Whats your sexuality

You sat there for a second before deciding to jokingly flick your wrist.


she jumps on you and whispers...

mina: omg omg I knew it!

as shes hugging you and shaking you bakugou walks in looking pissed, as always of course but for some reason his angry look had a hint of worry in it.

Bakugo x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now