Blooper (AV)

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Warning- Language

Brief Summary
Small one shot in which YN has an out burst of power. A Blooper if you will.

YN's powers are natural and mainly controlled by emotions.

{12.30am - Avengers Compound}

"Motherfuc-" YN's yell was cut off as a hand covered her mouth

"For gosh sake, watch your language YN" Tony laughed "There's a child and Steve present" he teased

Steve rolled his eyes as he concentrated on the screen in front of him. His tongue poked out the side of his mouth slightly as his thumbs moved the controller joysticks.

He was actually doing surprisingly well, only himself and Sam left to take down their opponent.

"Go left, go left!" Sam called out, shuffling in his seat as he instructed Steve.

"I'm 16, Mr Stark" Peter said, glancing from the screen to Tony "and I have heard YN swear before"

Tony mock gasped "YN, you taught Peter bad words!"

It was YN's turn to roll her eyes while she pouted with arms crossed over her chest. The controller she had been using thrown in her lap.

"It's that fuckin, Noobmaster69 again!" She sighed "I wish we knew where they lived"

"Noobmaster69?!" Thor's booming voice came from the kitchen as he walked towards the living room, a box of pop tarts in one hand with a half eaten pop-tart in the other.

"My greatest foe! Next round I will avenge you, my friend" he point at YN, who's character was currently dead in the game.

YN smiled at Thor, her mood brightening.

"We'll take them down together" she said, offering Thor a spare controller as he plopped down beside her, squeezing his large frame between herself and Clint.

The screen in front of them flashed "Game Over" as the person's voice belonging to the name Noobmaster69 laughed through their head sets.

"Better luck next time, dickheads!" They teased "Come on, your meant to be the Avengers! You suck so bad!"

Thor stole YN's head set "Listen here, Noobmaster69. God of thunder, remember me" he paused "yes!" He grinned "prepare to be thrashed!"

The game started up again and with Thor on their side this time, YN, Steve and Sam seemed to have a good shot at beating the skilled gamer.

They held thier ground for several rounds until it was just YN and Thor's characters left in the game.

"Hide there!" Steve yelled, pointing at the corner of the screen.

"Shot YN, shot!" Peter called out, practically jumping in his seat

"They're behind that barrel!" Bucky pointed out, having abandoned the book he'd been reading to watch the intense showdown.

"Come on, Thor. You got this!" Clint encouraged as he perched on the back on the sofa, finding it more comfortable.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats as YN and Thor mushed buttons and joysticks. Everyone fully invested until the screen went dark again.

"GAME OVER" flushed before their faces in offensive red letters on the giant tv.

No one could pin point how or where it went wrong. YN and Thor's characters killed within seconds of each other.

Silence from everyone filled the room, the only sounds were the game music and laughter coming from the headsets.

"You've got to be shitting me" Steve muttered

Natasha gasped dramatically "Steve said a bad wor-"

Her sentence stopped as the game console suddenly blast into flames in front of them.

YN stood up, her controller clattering to the floor as she breathed heavily before storming out the room.

"I promise to get a new one, right after I find that fucker!"


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