Control (AV)

268 11 10

Part 1 of 2

Word count- 1k

This is dedicated to Nene (1-800-BUCKEY)
Who suggested this idea


It had been three months since YN was discharged. Three months since she came out of the medical unit.

Tony demanded the best medical care. It was a freak accident, a chemical reaction gone wrong.

Of course, Tony blamed himself. She should have never been in the lab. He should have told her to no when she offered to help him find a new element for his arc reactor.

The Stark children were just like their father, amazing brains and when working together they were incredible.

Until one day they had misjudged a critical component and blew up the lab. YN getting caught in the blast.

Tony had tried to get a suit on her, but everything happened so fast, from FRIDAY's warning to the combustion itself. The only part that covered her in time was the helmet.

The medical team said that had saved her life, but Tony still felt extreme guilt and couldn't never rid himself of the images etched into his mind.

His beautiful baby sister, unconscious, covered in burns and blood.

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'Out of the ashes, burning like a fire
You can save your apologies
You're nothing but a liar
I've got shame, I've got scars
But I will never show
I'm a survivor'

The song played into YN's earphones as she keyed her access code into the enhanced room of the training area.

Access denied  flashed across the panel on the wall.

'Goddamit Tony' YN thought as she ran her hand through her hair.

Ever since they moved into the compound, Tony had restricted her access, no labs, no weapons area including the practice range and now this. The only places she hadn't been locked out of were the communal areas such as the kitchen, living room, pool and regular gym of the training area.

YN was starting to feel like Tony was smothering her. She was old enough and capable of looking after herself but ever since the accident, Tony was treating her like she was made of glass.

Surprisingly she had only a few physical scars from the accident, the smaller burns healed almost immediately but mentally she was more scarred.

She still had nightmares. Tony screaming her name, the feeling of the flames and the electric feeling that ignited every nerve.

SHIELD had ran tests on her as no one was certain of what effects the blast had caused. Playing with elements was a risky task. They didn't want another Banner situation but her blood work and vitals came back normal. 

Everything seemed normal until a month ago. It began small at first, a packet of popcorn popping before she put it in the microwave, a bowl of soup becoming warm again and a tub of ice cream melting immediately in the palm of her hand.

Now it was worse and harder to ignore. Just yesterday, while arguing with Tony, the book in YN's hands burst into flames.

Glancing around the gym, an idea formed. No one else was here, if she moved the equipment out of the way, YN could test her theory. The floors and walls seemed pretty fire resistant.

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