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The bell rings and the shackles of today's lessons finally free Miya Osamu, well only for an hour. The teen packs his school supplies and heads to the cafeteria for lunch, carrying his bento and food from his admirer. He spots his friends eating lunch at a table close to the windows and goes to join them.

"Samu, you got something today right? You usually get some treats on Mondays," Atsumu asks his brother.

"Yea," Osamu replies, putting the gift on the table, "I haven't looked inside yet so I don't know what it is."

Atsumu smiles at his twin's response and goes to open the bag. While he does this, Osamu suddenly remembers the letter that usually accompanies the food, and that he hasn't taken it out. He hadn't told his friends about the letters because he thought it wasn't necessary, it's not like they're addressed to 'Osamu and friends', it's just 'Osamu'. He began to grow anxious at what they would say when they see it. Would they read it aloud, or leave it in the bag and forget about it?

Obviously, knowing Atsumu, the letter would be read aloud, but he wished it wouldn't be. This is the fourth letter Osamu has gotten now, and he enjoys reading each one and genuinely looks forward to them, not as much as the food, but he still likes reading them.

"Samu, is this a letter?" Atsumu asks, holding up an envelope, "You never told me she sends you letters too."

"Yea, they're addressed to me, why would I tell you," Osamu responds.

"Whatever, I'm gonna read it. Everyone prepare for my dramatic reading of this letter.

"Okay, yea we won't be doing that."

"Dear Osamu," Atsumu reads, ignoring his twin, "This is now my fourth letter to you, and while I'm not sure if you actually read them, I hope you at least enjoy the treats I bake for you.

"Lately school seems to just drag on forever doesn't it? That gymnastics thing we did last week was interesting and broke the routine of our daily school lives, so strangely, I find myself missing that. Also it gave me another opportunity to see you again.

"I hope your classes have been going well, I know midterms are about to come up, so I've been basically cramming in the library almost everyday after-school in preparation. I still feel like it won't be enough though.

"Anyways, I know your Inter-High competition is coming soon as well, it must be even more stressful for you as you have to worry about midterms and volleyball. I hope the stress doesn't become too much. Good luck with everything though, I'll be silently cheering you on!

One of you secret admirers."

Atsumu places the letter back into its envelope and then takes a treat from the bag. He pulls out a light brown muffin with a coloured cupcake wrapper. After unwrapping it, he takes a large bite out of the muffin, revealing small specks of orange, which seems to be carrot.

While Atsumu's eyes fill up with delight, Suna and Ginjima open the envelope again to look through the letter for themselves. It's not that they didn't trust Atsumu's very dramatic reading, they were just nosy and wanted to view the handwriting and contents for themselves. Osamu watched as his friends continued to read, analyze and discuss amongst themselves while his hands shook. Many times during Atsumu's reading, he dropped the food in between his chopsticks.

"Okay, it wasn't bad," Suna says after he finally finishes staring at the letter. He places it back into the envelope and slides it towards Osamu. "You don't know who it is right?"

food for your heart? | miya osamuWhere stories live. Discover now