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Another day, another letter from a special someone. You stand outside your locker, smiling like an idiot while reading Osamu's slightly messy handwriting and snacking on an onigiri he made you.


Dear y/n,

How are you doing? I've been doing okay, I've been tired from all the practices we've been having lately. The spring high tournament is happening soon, so we're trying to fit in all the practice we can. It's been a scary time, Kita has become even more terrifying, I didn't even know that was possible.

Anyways, I wish you could come to Tokyo as well. It's an amazing experience. The food there is so different from in Hyōgo. It's kinda fun seeing a bunch of other teams too. Since you're not able to come though, I'll recap everything that happened in the next letter I send you.

Okay, Atsumu is looking at me weirdly, so I'm gonna end the letter here, before he finds out I'm not doing schoolwork. I hope your week goes well.



After reading the letter, you gently place it back in your locker and finish packing your bag for your first class. You hurriedly rush to your class and take your seat next to Aya. She looks at you skeptically, as you usually come to class early, but this time you arrived just before the bell. Seeing your flushed face and semi-open bag, she smiles to herself and assumes something special must have taken up your time.

In the short breaks of your class, Aya turns to face you, and asks what caused you to be almost late. You explain the new letter, and she listens intently, collecting her thoughts.

"You should just go instead of me," she jokes, brushing her bangs out of her face, "As long as someone is there to report on what's going on, I'm sure the school newspaper won't care who goes."


A pair of hands slap down on Aya's table, causing you to jump slightly. You look up and see the head editor for the school newspaper, upperclassman, and long time admirer of Aya, Yamazaki Akio. He adjusts his hair, pushes his glass back up then continues talking, "And to think, I came here SPECIFICALLY to offer you help with your writing piece, but I arrive and see this slander against my newspaper."

"I am sorry you heard that Akio, I am very happy to be given this opportunity," Aya apologizes, "However, being surrounded by sweaty, teenage boys all day doesn't sound fun."

"That is precisely why I will be there, beside you, helping you with your report," he smiles.

Aya half-heartedly smiles back at him, then says goodbye. He waves at her, before leaving the classroom, and thanking the teacher for allowing him inside. Class starts again, soon after, and the lecture starts once more, until the bell ultimately dismisses you for lunch.

You quickly pack your things, in an effort to reach the busy cafeteria and grab a table. Aya follows your lead and the two of you leave the classroom promptly. Upon arriving, you see Tae sitting at a table and you start walking towards her.

"You're here early," you mention to Tae.

"Yep, surprising isn't it," she smiles.

"Not surprising, it's just very odd," Aya adds.

"Well my class got off a bit early, and instead of wandering around or talking to my classmates, I decided I would just come here. And look what came out of it, a perfect view of the basketball team," Tae gushes.

"So that's why you're so early," you smile.

"No, my class really did get off early, the basketball team was just a bonus."

"Whatever the reason is, thank you for getting a table," Aya says.

You all start to eat your lunch, until you remember the letter sitting inside your bag. You inform Tae about the letter and hand it to her so she could read it over. Her romance manga and drama filled mind keeps focusing on where Osamu wished you could come to Tokyo as well.

"I think you got him," she says, once she finishes reading the letter.

You look at her confused, so she explains, "I mean like, he wants you to be in Tokyo as well. If that's not an indirect way of saying 'I like you' then all the romance dramas I've been watching lied to me."

"I never thought about it that way," Aya cuts in, "I just thought that the fact he mentioned the food at Tokyo after mentioning you was a little suspicious."

"RIGHT! He does mention food after you."

While they kept discussing the hidden meaning behind Osamu's words, you sat there and listened. It didn't seem like as big of a deal as they were making it out to be. Yes, you are surprised that Osamu is still sending you letters, but you never thought it was because he likes you back. While a small part of you thinks he is starting to like you back, a larger part feels as if you are just wishing that's true, when it's actually not.

"Okay, okay, enough about me," you interrupt, "Aya, you're going to be writing the main piece for the school newspaper, that's way more exciting than Osamu sending me letters."

"Oh right, I heard about that too! You were chosen right," Tae adds.

"Yea, the teacher for my club recommended me based on my writing, I'm not sure why they wouldn't just choose one of their reporters though," Aya explains.

"I think we all know the reason you were chosen," Tae teases, "A certain editor clearly is fascinated by you."

"I wish he wasn't."

"Well too, bad, who wouldn't be fascinated by you," Tae compliments her, "But, when you're there, make sure to see if any volley boys want a girlfriend, cause I'm ready."

"I'll try," Aya laughs, "I doubt it'll do much though."

You check the time on your phone, and notice how little time you have left for lunch.

"Well whatever happens at the tournament, you're still writing a piece for the paper and that's so impressive," you tell Aya, "But remember to enjoy yourself, I mean you're gonna be in Tokyo for a couple days."

"Yes! Make sure to tell us all about it," Tae adds.

Tae starts talking about something else, and while she does this, you leave the table to throw away your trash, and your friend's garbage as well.

When Tae notices you leave from the table, she quickly whispers to Aya, "Make sure to ask Osamu questions, don't forget the plan."

"Don't worry, Atsumu made it pretty hard to forget."

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