3 - Nostalgic Night

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Minho POV

I stop in front of the door Jisung told me was his house and make a mental note of the daisies and the colour yellow, knowing his birthday is tomorrow I'll make sure to get him something related to either.

Jisung hands me his keys and I take them 'I'm not very good at finding the lock' he says followed by a giggle I giggle in return finding him cute.

I unlock his doors to be met with a dog at my feet and Jisung jumping of my back to greet the dog who nuzzles it's head into his head and he hugs the dog 'this is Gumi' Jisung says continuing to pet the dog 'he's my guide dog' he follows with 'I have cats' I say joining him on the floor with Gumi 'I didn't know you had a guide dog' I say beginning to stroke the medium sized golden retriever'I don't bring her to school because she'd get hurt' Jisung says cuddling into the dog 'I think she's cute' I say smiling at him 'just like you' he blushed and touches his cheeks embarrassed I giggle softly.

'Jisung' a female voice says opening the door as we are still playing with Gumi 'why didn't you tell me to pick you up' the same women says going to hug Jisung now even noticing I'm there 'Minho walked me home' he points towards me and he's a little off, in slightly left of where he pointed. 'Hello It's nice to meet you' I say bowing to be polite. She gestures for me to stop and I do. 'I'm Kim Seonin' she says 'I'm Lee Minho' I say shaking my hand 'thank you for taking Jisung home' she says and I shake my head then say 'oh it was no problem I just wanted to help my friend get home safely' she looks at me surprised 'you didn't tell me you'd made a new friend' she says starting to take of her jacket 'oh it's only happened the other day' Jisung responds going back to playing with Gumi.

'Well it's still raining quite heavily would you like to stay for dinner Minho, and then maybe your parents could pick you up' Seonin says to me I begin to decline but she insists and I eventually accept the offer asking my dad to come pick me up from Jisung's house in an hour.

By the end of dinner we're all chatting lightly about school and family 'do you have any siblings Minho' I nod my head 'Felix is my little brother' I say Jisung looks shocked probably surprised neither of us mentioned it at lunch 'he's adopted' I say and Jisung seems to understand now how he's from Australia. 'Do you have any other children' I ask his mother 'yes I do, Yeonhwi, he lives in Malaysia with my husband' I nod my head finding out earlier in the evening that Jisung's father works in Malaysia in some chemical plant, something I wasn't all the interested in and didn't ask about further.

'It looks like my dad's here to pick me up' I say after dinner had ended and we are playing cards, the cards had braille on them and I found it very interesting that people could read with this, Jisung taught me it a little but I still didn't understand.

'That's okay hunny, your free to come here whenever' Seonin says as I go to put on my coat and shoes 'I'll see you tomorrow Jisung' I say and give a little wave realising half way through he can't see me 'bye Minho' he says and gives me a little wave himself, I giggle then leave.

Okay Minho now just ask dad to take you to the flower shop to by your friend a gift, now my Dad is very supportive of me being gay, he is himself, when I said Felix was adopted I wasn't wrong, it's just I was as well.

'Hey Min' I say as I get into the car I smile at him and put my seat belt on 'Appa can we go to the flower shop' I say avoiding his eyes contact 'oh sure' he says putting it into his phone to give directions 'who for' he says starting the car 'Jisung, that's who's house I was at, it's his birthday tomorrow' I say he hums surprisingly not pushing me any further.

'You know I bought your papa daisies when I asked him out' he says as I ask for a bouquet of daisies from the women working there 'it was a similar time of the year as well' he says sighing I laugh and say 'does today make you feel all nostalgic appa' he laughs and hits the back of my head playfully. 'Shut up Minho and take the flower' I laugh knowing I've embarrassed him. I have the flowers wrapped in yellow paper and a yellow braille card which the shop surprisingly did. I smile in satisfaction hoping that he'll appreciate my gift, My appa didn't ask why I got a braille card probably understanding.

'Minho' Felix says coming into my room 'what' I say putting my phone down. The flowers are currently in some water next to my window. 'Do you like Jisung' he says snuggling into my thigh, I push him away and scoff 'if course not, we're just friends and I only met him a few days ago' he wraps his hands around my waist 'I got him a card and I baked cupcakes' he says 'Chan helped me' he continues'should I invite him to our get together on my birthday' I nod knowing Jiusng would appreciate the invite.

I sit there as Felix falls asleep on me muttering something about Chan that I hope today will become special for me and Jisung, that one day it will make me reminisce like my appa did today. I smile at the though and think maybe I do like Jisung just a little bit.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter, I hope int his book that the side chapter are more obvious than they are in my other book :)

Why did I chose 'nostalgia night'?

One of you haven't heard this song go listen to it it is honestly one of my favourite songs and it came on while I was writing this chapter which felt very fitting and as Minho thinks in the end he hopes that night will become something to be nostalgia over and I also just love the title of the song, genuinely think it is the best title of a song I can think of, so I had to include it.

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