10 - Half Moon

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Jisung POV

It occurred to me suddenly one night, in the middle of the night, that me and Minho haven't been on any proper dates that result in the cheesy kiss on the cheek farewell or holding hands a little too long at the end of the night. But I also realised in the same moment that I would make it happen, hold Minho longer in my arms as he gave me a hug outside of my door, he'd probably say something about the daisies and Gumi would be barking inside the house but it would be perfect.

'Minho' I say opening my door the next morning knowing he would be there, we hang out most Sundays without really doing much apart from go to the other's house, mainly just stay at mine, and we talk, listen to music and make horrible attempts at baking or cooking but all felt oddly domestic, something I could imagine myself doing forever, that is is Minho with flour all over his hair and face was as cute as I imagined, or if the way he would kiss me so lovingly before he would retaliate.

'I want to take you on a date' I say reaching for his hand, we're taking Gumi for a walk, I don't consider it a walk because it's more for Gumi's enjoyment than mine. 'Have you got something planned' he says kissing me on the cheek then taking my left hand, the one not holding Gumi, I nod, knowing exactly what I want us to do, 'come to my house at 6, my mom will take us' I say skipping along the path, I walk this path everyday so neither of us are particularly worried of something happening, Minho giggles and I blush, is this what being in love is like.

Minho POV

'What do I wear' I say flopping down on my bed which currently holds Felix and Hyunjin, Felix is unsurprisingly eating popcorn and Hyunjin I think has fallen asleep m, neither of them are being much help 'he's blind' Hyunjin says, I hit him on the back of the head 'that doesn't matter, he can still feel it' He groans in response 'wear this' Felix says holding up my yellow sweater and some blue ripped jeans, the sweater is soft, unnecessarily so and I know Jisung would just love it, there a certain way his face lights up around the colour yellow, he's like the sun and it makes me feel alive.

I nod my head at my brother, put the outfit on with some white shoes, even if we are going somewhere muddy I don't care all that much and it's summer, they won't get all that dirty 'can I leave' Hyunjin asks locking his phone, I nod my head curling my hair with Felix's help in the mirror, 'your boyfriend looks cute by the way' he says before he leaves, it makes me blush and Felix slaps me telling me what to move.

I'm nervous, standing outside Jisung's door makes me nervous like I've never done it before but I knock ever so lightly but I knock all the same, almost like I'm not going on a date with a cute boy I really really love.

'Hey' I say as he opens the door, indeed he does look cute, he's wearing a purple sweater with the collar of a baby blue crew neck showing, he's wearing a jacket and white jeans, we aren't going anywhere muddy, and he's wearing pink and purple converse which have platform soles, 'you look cute' I voice my opinion just to make his shy, shy Jisung is my favourite 'my mom will be ready in a minute' he says moving his body, offering me in, I nod my head kiss his cheek and then walk in 'your sweater is soft' he says after I enter and stand idly in his entrance way 'it's yellow' I say taking his hand and putting it on my chest so he can feel the material, 'I'm wearing jeans, blue ones ripped at the knee on the right and towards the top on the left' he nods his head and hugs me with a tear in his eye, he thinks it thoughtful when I describe thing he really wants to see.

'Minho, hello, are you ready to go boys' Jisung's mom says as she comes running toward the entrance way with her car keys in hand, I nod my head and Jiusng nods his into my chest where he has nuzzled himself.

We start driving and we do so for a while past all the typical date destinations and into the countryside 'where are you taking me' I ask Jisung who has his face pressed against the window, my hand is in his thigh rubbing it slightly 'you'll find out, we're almost there' he says taking that hand and intertwining our fingers, I run my thumb across his knuckles and then give him a kiss on the back of his hand, his mom looks at us loving my through the rear view mirror.

'There you go boys' she says after a while, we are most definitely in the middle of nowhere, the sky is clear and there is a small hill with a tree on top, I can imagine the tree being a cherry blossom tree in the beginning of Spring, it would be quite picturesque. 'Why have you brought me here Sungie' I say taking his hand as he drags me towards the hill 'I want to watch the stars with you' that comment confuses me, he can't see the stars, I personally love the stars, I know little about them but think they're beautiful, just like Jisung, I think that is part of the point.

'I know I can't see them but I know the day is perfect and even if I can't see anything I have you to describe them to me, plus I brought a little picnic' I give him a loving smile and kiss his cheek 'I like that idea'.

By the time we get to the top of the hill the sky is entirely clear, the half moon is present, I personally think a half moon is much more romantic than a full moon 'there's a bright half moon' I say as he pulls something out of his bag after feeling around for the rig thing, it's cheesecake which isn't a surprise.

'When I was younger I went to a planetarium, before I lost my sight and the half moon we saw was my favourite, can you see any planets we could then, I think Mars was visible and it was small but still beautiful, I image myself like that easily missable but rare, my vision lost made me special just like all the planets they are only visible when they want to be' he looks up at me I nod my head, despite him not being able to see me, I put his head on my chest 'Mars is visible and your right, you are beautiful' I run my hands through his hair staring up at the sky as he feeds me strawberries and asks questions every now and then. The date was perfect.

The next day at school however isn't, two teachers were absent, ironically my teacher and Jisung's, the classes were merged and I immediately shoved Seungmin out of his seat to sit next Jisung, the class is literature, and we have a substitute, what could possibly go wrong.

'Jisung could you please star reading' the teacher says, Jisung is surprised and so is his assistant teacher, she goes to speak but I read.

'It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen' I read the first line to 1984, the teacher stops me and demands Jisung is to read and not me.

'He's blind' his assistant teacher shouts, the people in my own class laugh slightly before I turn back to them and glare, they stop the teacher at the front seems unbothered, looking like she is still waiting 'can't you use that braille or something' she asks 'I don't have a braille copy of the book' he says quietly, the teacher huffs but moves and and picks someone else to read.

Jisung lays his head on my shoulder, I take his hand and draw little half moons on the back of his hand. I like our new way of comfort despite it meaning very little to me, it makes us both feel happy and if I do it as we talk about our date to our friends later despite Felix most definitely knowing how it went based on how I gushed about it all night. An almost nightly routine, me talking about Jisung to an unbothered Felix, but I can't myself, I'm truly in love.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter, I think it might be the longest one :)

I picked half moon because of them going star gazing I just thought it would be fitting, also 1984 is the book I'm currently reading so that's why I picked it as the book they were studying.

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