12 - Daisy

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Minho POV

Today was the day, the day I needed to pack for university I luckily passed my final math exam and was excepted into my dream university for dance but despite my excitement for school I didn't want to leave.

Jisung is currently sat on my bed telling me thing I need to pack for university, Felix had already done this with me and so have my dads I just want to double check I have everything I need for Jisung's point of view he's good at packing things just in case.

'Don't forget your Polaroid camera' he says, I had in fact forgot it and rushed over to where it was on the other side of my room 'got it, I wish I could pick you' I say flopping down on the bed next to him, he giggles and it's the sound of pure happiness, I can't think of many sounds better than Jisung's giggles 'are you not on the list' I say snuggling into his neck, he shakes his head and I can feel his stomach move in a way that indicates another laugh 'I'll miss you' he says getting up from under me and stroking my hair, he always does this when he's sad 'I'll miss you too' I say leaning in to kiss him, it's a soft kiss almost like our first.

'Minho' my dad shouts from downstairs 'your friends are here' that's not a surprise to me as they told me they were coming I'm just sad I can't lay next to Jisung for a little while longer 'are you coming baby' I say taking his hand, he nods and I lead him downstairs to where our friends are.

'Why are you here' I say as we get to them 'to give you something' Hyunjin says, I raise my eyebrow in confusion 'what' I ask confused 'letters' Chan says handing me them 'don't read them until you get there' Changbin says and I nod, I quickly look through them noticing everyone wrote one, including Jisung 'Chan helped me and Felix' he says, I kiss his forehead 'well we better get going me and Felix have a date' Chan says then they all slowly leave my house. Chan is also going to university and leaving Felix behind so I know they both feel the same way me and Jisung do. I feel bad for Felix because his brother and boyfriend are moving away, in our defence the university is only an hour away.

'What are you going to do' I ask Jisung as we lay back on my bed 'I'm going to make music with Chan and Changbin' he says playing with my fingers 'I mean are you going to go to university' I ask stroking his hair 'probably not' he says, I hum knowing that it probably wouldn't be practical for him.

'When I graduate will you move in with me' he nods his head 'I would love to, why can't it be when I leave high school' I think for a moment 'I can't see why not' and like that a plan is made, which is most definitely followed through 'I want to marry you one day' I say just above a whisper like it's a real proposal 'I would like that' he says looking straight at me. His eyes are beautiful, slightly glossy but a beautiful dark brown. 'I love you' he says hugging into me 'I love you too' I say kissing his forehead and hugging him back just as tight.

It's the day I leave and I'm in front of Jisung's house with a bouquet of daisies in my hand with a yellow paper packaging surrounding them with a braille card, it's oddly familiar but I wouldn't want it any other way, I like nostalgia.

'Hey' I say as he hopes the door 'hi shouldn't you be at your new university' he asks, it's a valid point I should 'I needed to say goodbye and give you something' I say holding out the flowers and a box of cheesecake, the same recipe as the one we made together a few months ago, we both fell in love and I feel like now would be a good time to give him it again.

'I meant what I said when we were packing my stuff you know, I will marry you' I say as he sniffs there flowers 'daisies' he says and looks at me 'are they like our thing now' I lean in to kiss him, almost identical to the first time he kissed me on the cheek, it's a meaningful kiss one I know I'm not going to get again for a while 'no their your thing' I say with my lips still close to his.

Daisies are special to us, they remind me of our first date, his birthday, our wedding they were our flowers of choice and they were there when we adopted. They always seemed much more fitting than roses and they go perfect with our colour, yellow and our song. They go perfect with us, roses are far to overrated so we will always chose daisies.

The end

Hope you enjoyed that chapter (this was the shirted chapter, the only one under 1000 words) and the book. Did you really think I would name the book daisy, have chapters named after songs and not included daisy by pentagon :)

It was actually just a coincidence that there was a song called daisy because I didn't think of it before hand.

But anyway thank you to the people who read this book, let me know what you thought of it and check out my other book 'sunflower'.

Daisy - Minsung Where stories live. Discover now