5 - Firework

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Jisung POV

I'm awoken by Minho softly shaking me, I know it's Minho because of his warm, soft, safe voice saying a quiet 'wake up' my eyes drift open and the room is bright, my ankle hurts but substantially less than when the incident actually happened.

'It's the end of the day' Minho says shifting from his position standing in front of me to sitting beside me, the uncomfortable mattress's shift tells me that much, I groan and snuggle into him, he giggles and I wish I could capture that sound and hear it forever, it's quiet almost not there but faint enough to be genuine, the vibration in his chest tells me he's saying something else but I'm not paying attention 'sorry what' I say sitting back up, I feel around the bed for either my stick or bag and find neither, 'I was just asking if you still want to come over' he says he also passes me something, my bag and I nod.

I try to find my phone and when I do I pass it to him 'what do you want me...' I interrupt him '0325, tell my mom when it ends' I hear a hum in confirmation and the sound of the keyboard trying on my phone 'sent' he says handing me back the phone, there is a ding seconds later 'she said okay' Minho says I hum 'do you want to tell me when it ends' I ask facing toward where I think he is 'tomorrow, usually after lunch' I nod my head 'do you know where my stick is' I feel him get of the bed and hand me something in my right arm 'it was near the door' I hum again and our hands touch, I like the feeling it gives me, like a soft tickle. 'Thanks' I say starting to get up, he grabs my arm and helps me get up and then out of the confusing nurses office, which I have never been in before.

'I'm going to take you to mine now, everyone else is probably already there being disgusting on my sofa' he says tightening his grip on my arm 'are you usually the third wheel' I ask laughing slightly at his despair 'every week' he response followed by that giggle.

'Tomorrow is going to be like a little mini party with our friends, for Felix's birthday my parents will probably embarrass him' Minho says while a gate opens, I assume it's the gate to his house.'that's fine' I say holding onto him a little more, I don't know the set up of Minho's house or where anything is, always a perfect way to embarrass myself in front of my new friends.

'Is your house clean' I ask tugging on his arm to get him to stop so I can run through possible tripping hazards before they happen 'probably not, depends how long Hyunjin's been here' he says I sigh, that's not good 'do you have pets' I ask almost immediately after 'yes, cats, 3 of them' he says, that's even worse 'are your stairs steep' I ask my final question 'kind of, I can show you around when we get in if you like and I can help you if you need to go anywhere' he offers, I nod my head 'that would be nice, thank you' I say putting him to actually walk into his house.

'When we walk in the living room is right on the left and to the right is my papa's office then the stairs are in ground and behind them is the kitchen' Minho says opening the door, everyone inside is loud and I can hear a cat, or maybe two purring, it's a nice form of audio stimulation, not overwhelming 'everyone shut up' Minho says as he enters the talking dies down but Hyunjin is still speaking until he stops immediately I assume after Minho gave him some look.

'There are 3 sofas, all occupied by disgusting PDA' he says, I hear a gasp and it comes from either Felix or Hyunjin, both seem to be quite dramatic 'Chan get off my brother' he shouts and I hear someone scramble of someone, I assume Chan followed the request 'why can't you all just sit like Seungmin and Jeongin and not on top of each other' he then says with a scoff, I image the scene is quite amusing, shocked expressions and hurt eyes, I laugh at my imagination despite not actually knowing what's going on.

'I'm taking Jisung on a tour, do not make babies on my couch' he says, I laugh now more audibly, he's funny I think.

'Okay so that was the living room, you can walk around when I've shown you upstairs' he says then dragging me upstairs I tap him arm and point to my bag and stick asking to put them down he nods, takes them of me and puts them somewhere 'there just next to the door, remind me when you want them back' he says then retakes my hand to show me upstairs 'these are the stairs' he says walking forwards for my feet to touch the bottom step, I lift my foot and then put it down finding the next step, he was right they're only kind of steep, the process to get up the stairs is quite a long one, one arm is holding his hand rail and the other his hand. 'Sorry there's so many' he says I shake my head 'no it's fine, I have stairs at my house it's just I'm not used to your stairs' I say he giggle again 'you can get my used to my stairs if you'd like' he says, I don't know how to respond 'you mean me come over more regularly' I ask confused as to why he would want that 'perhaps, I like hanging out inside and so you can get used to the environment, our weekly sleep overs might get confusing however as we change locations every week' he informs me, I sigh but then tell him 'I'm good at learning new places' I then stop holding his hand and clim the rest of the stairs my self.

'This is upstairs' he says and I can imagine him doing so arm movement gesturing to the area 'there are 4 bedrooms and the only bathroom' he says, that will be awkward having to ask Minho for help every time I need the bathroom 'can we go to your room' I ask he takes my hand I imagine he nodded and directs me down the hall and then into I assume his bedroom 'the cats like it in here' he says and then let's go of my hand, I hear his knees click indications he has knelt down. 'This is soonie' he says handing me a fluff ball I stroke her head and then put her back on the floor 'there is also Donngie and Dori but I don't know where they are' he says 'but soonie is the softest' he says I giggle and kneel down I feel around for her and she then appears, this probably looks strange to Minho but I want to find her myself 'hello' I say as she enters my hold, I'm not crossed legged on his carpet 'I'm Jisung' I say, another hand joins mine on her back and says 'hello Jiusng' in a high pitched voice, I assume to imitate the cat, I giggle and so does he 'we should probably join the rest' he says then stroking my hair, I nod, and hold out my hands for him to take to help me.

We get back down the stairs all be it slowly and then enter somewhere warm and cozy, Minho places me next to someone and I feel around them to find out who it his, I touch their hair and it's long, I'm next to Hyunjin, I've been told he's pretty but I can't see him to confirm nor deny it, but his hair feels like the hair of someone who is pretty.

'Hi Jisung' Felix shouts from across the living room, I smile at him 'happy birthday' someone else says and from the accent I assume it's Chan 'thank you' I say and blush 'what do you guys normally do at there sleepovers, I've never had one' I ask genuinely confused as to what a sleepover in-tales 'play games, watch movies eat food and go to sleep' Seungmin says he's pretty close to me I can tell my how quiet yet loud his voice is in my left ear. 'That sound fun' I opt for saying.

And it is, we play truth or dare and I find out that neither Felix, Chan or Hyunjin are virgins, Changbin is surprise by the latter but he says he had a playboy faze of about 3 people in freshman year, they find out I make music and me Changbin and Chan promise to make something together, however the most interesting thing I find out is that Minho is a dancer, they are all far too eager for him to do a sexy dance and despite not being able to see him, so am I, and when he does the mood changes and I can just tell he's good.

'Next week do you want to hang out' Minho whispers into my ear as we are watching Spirited away, I've watched this movie with audio description enough times to be able to visualise the scenes without it. I nod to Minho's question without much thought knowing I have a doctors appointment and I said I'd go out with Felix next week, I'll fit Minho in.

And I do, after said doctors appointments decide to go to a café, we both love Americanos and cheesecake, how had I never met Minho before, we're so alike and so intertwined with each others lives that it almost feels impossible not to know him.

At the end of our hang out we decide to go for a walk around a local park, it smells like pollen and I hear the light breeze, buzzing of bees and children laughing, Minho is holding my hand and despite it being warm, my hand isn't sweating. Minho then walks me home without asking or permission 'we should do this again' he says dropping me off at my door 'I'd rather get more acquainted with your stairs' I say and he giggle, after that giggle comes out of his mouth I take his head find his cheek and kiss it, that tickle lien sensation now feels like a small firework of happiness, today felt like a date and that kiss just felt right.

Hope you enjoyed that whole 3 people that read this book :)

Why did I chose 'Firework'?

This is honestly one of my favourite bsides, it's of Twice's more and more album and people always say that first kisses feel like fireworks and this is kind of a first kiss but in the cheek and I wanted that feeling to get across, despite never having my first kiss.

Did you enjoy kingdom, what was your highlight?

For me it was obviously SKZ's performance but I loved them all, SF9's was really good and so was Ateez's I actually preferred SF9's despite not knowing the song. But SKZ have set a standard now and others just need to reach it.

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