Chapter 7

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Clary walked into the dinning room to find her father, Johnathan and Jace waiting for her. Her father ordered her to sit next to jace. ' oh no' she thought but there was nothing she could do about it. They all ate dinner in awkward silence  when her father broke it.
" Clarissa tomorrow you and have will start planing".
" Planing for what?" She questioned.
" Your wedding of course" her father stated.
Across the table she noticed Johnathan clenching his fork in his right hand and a knife in his left. he looked like he was about to pounce when clary shook her head. he understood what she meant.
" Father may I be excused?" Johnathan asked as nicely as he could. His father nodded Johnathan  jumped out of his chair and stormed out the room. clary kept her head down looking at the floor avoiding eye contact with anyone at the table. Jace on the other hand had a smirk on his face. After a few minutes the maids came in and cleaned up the plates. Clary couldn't help herself she had to see him. She ran up to Johnathan's room as fast as she can. when she got there she noticed jace leaning against the door frame of Johnathan's room with a grin on his face.
" Not fast enough Clarissa." he said standing up straight. She stayed silent to stunned to say anything. Jace walked towards her and whispered in her ear what he wanted from her. She couldn't believe her ears and clasped to the floor  and tried to control her breathing but couldn't.

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