An Evening on Coruscant

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Author's note:

This one-shot does not have a proper plot, rather it is description of scenery and trying to create atmosphere. That is exactly the sort of thing I enjoy writing the most, because it does not require a lot of knitting ideas: Rather it's playing with language and going with the feel. I do enjoy incorporating music, because I believe it adds a lot to any piece of art, especially script. Anyways, here is a wonderful piece of music I felt goes well with the emotions I felt during the writing process:

Piano Sonata in G Minor (Allegro molto agitato) by Fanny Hensel Mendelssohn -

Also, this story focuses on Bail's and Padmé's wonderful friendship, which I find most extraordinary and beautiful. With their purely good hearts, they both seem to stand alone against the menace of evil clouding the senate, and their relationship is, to me, an important factor as to why there was still good in the galaxy even during the reign of the empire. I hope you enjoy reading this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) As always, feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for taking time to read my work.


An Evening on Coruscant

Coruscant Prime's descent had already started to paint the sky in a pale tint of orange, dimming the luminescence that, during daytime, brightened up the never-resting city of Coruscant. Countless star ships designed for interstellar travel, as well as other transportive vessels, such as air speeders, were crowding the traffic lines that formed an evenly spaced grid throughout the Coruscanti atmosphere. Far off in the distance, an ominous droning coming from the massive thrusters of the Venator Class Star Destroyers, along with the occasional howling by their Class I hyperdrives, made the ground tremble. Dozens of these heavily armed military warships were in the process of taking off and traveling to numerous systems in order to support the fleets already engaged in battle in the ongoing Clone Wars, as the horrific war between the Grand Army of the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems was called by citizens.

The streets of level 5127 on the ground deep below them were just as busy, with millions of people going about their business. Some of the populace was only just returning from another day at work and headed to the residential towers, while others, dressed in the most elaborate and intricate gowns and robes, already flooded the gates of some of the many bars and flamboyant casinos that decorated the planet's surface. In dark alleys near the Underworld Portals, hooded figures made their shady dealings.

To the right of this hustle and bustle, in the heart of the Senate District, the orange of the skies was reflecting off the Senate Dome's steel roof. The interior of the colossal building had become fairly quiet, as most of the politicians and representatives who worked there had already wrapped up their work for the day and retired to their private quarters. Aside from the steady noise coming from outside of the building, the only sounds that could be heard were the buzzing of the cleaning and maintenance droids as well as the occasional footsteps of elected officials leaving their office.

The last rays of sunshine danced across the walls and bathed Senator Amidala's office in a golden light. The soft tune of a Naboo opera was playing quietly in the background as the young politician hammered into the keyboard of her holo computer, writing on a speech she would give the coming Monday in opposition of a bill that was to be voted on a few days later. A slight frown formed on her beautiful face and she paused writing for a second, in deep thought about what wording might fit best. Her scrutiny was interrupted by the buzzing of her data pad, after which she quickly focused her gaze onto its monitor. The small device displayed a reminder she had set for herself, calling her attention to the amount of time that had passed already and reminding her of her appointment with Senator Organa of Alderaan.

As if on cue, the door to her office slid open with a slight hiss and said senator stepped inside. Bail was dressed in a royal purple robe that slickly wrapped around his shoulders and smoothly flowed down to reach the floor. Underneath that robe he wore a cadet blue tunic and black silk trousers that flared out. His eyes landed on his younger colleague and he raised an eyebrow at her, after which Padmé quickly powered down her computer, stood up and straightened out her moss green gown. "I know, I know. I shouldn't work so late." She defensively raised her hands under his stern gaze. "It's just that I am thoroughly invested in this matter and would like to see our efforts pay off next week." The older of the two chuckled at the zeal the Nubian senator showed once more. "While I do appreciate your eagerness, you must remember to find some time for yourself, Padmé. Otherwise you will end up working yourself to death." His fatherly comment elicited a genuine laughter from her, and she jokingly replied with "I sure hope not, or else I wouldn't be able to finish my work." Bail shook his head in disbelief and laughed along with her. The two had been dear friends for many years and made a habit of going out to dinner together at least once a month.

Before Padmé strode over to where he was waiting, she made sure to notify her security detail about her departure. Seconds after the message was sent Dormé entered the room and bowed before the two senators. The young handmaiden was wearing an embroidered, light grey outfit that was perfectly in tune with the natural tones in Padmé's own dress, while still allowing the trained bodyguard to melt into the background if necessary. "Milady. I suggest you allow me to accompany you into the restaurant. After the most recent threats I am nowhere near comfortable to let you go by yourself, even knowing that you are well capable to take care of the both of you." The senator sighed and slowly nodded in agreement. "Alright. I know better than to argue with you." Satisfied with that response, Dormé stepped aside and gestured for the two politicians to take the lead. Padmé amicably hooked her arm into Bail's, and the three of them made their way to the hangar bay to take a ship.


A warm breeze swayed the green leaves from one side to the other and swept a slightly sweet fragrance through the air like a feather floating around, tickling peoples noses. In an oval space towards the centre of the dimly lit room, where all the plants emerged from the soil, small, shimmering butterflies made their ways from one vibrant blossom to the other. Cristal-clear water emerged from a rock formation and made its way through the exhibit in a small stream, splashing against pebbles ever so often and lightly dampening the soil.

They were seated in a secluded nook near the back exit of "Nature's Flow", Bail's favourite restaurant in all of Coruscant. The greenery reminded both politicians of their respective home planets, allowing them to feel at ease and forget about their worries. The naboo senator sighed lightly as she gently placed her fingertips on the bridge of her nose and small wrinkles spread over her forehead. When watching his petite colleague being so obviously exhausted, Bail's thoughts swerved back to the moment in her office when she had adamantly denied having worked for too long. The corners of his mouth curled up to form a shy smile, and he placed his hand on her shoulder. When her brown eyes looked up to meet his warm gaze, her frown transformed in a light smile. In that moment, she knew that she had found a friend for life, no matter what was going to happen.

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