Chapter 5

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=Chapter 5=

=Emma's POV=

Tonight, tonight is when I go wild, tonight is when I kill, tonight is my birthday, but after tonight I don't know how I'm going to live with myself. This is really going to happen I thought rocking my thin body back and forth. I had done everything I could I thought hopelessly to myself I haven’t eaten a crumb or drank a drop for 2 days now, and by gosh my body was feeling it my dress that I was taken in was now miles to large and incredibly ill-fitting, I had also tried warning them countless times but they had only laugh in my face.

Everything I tried, everything it just wasn’t enough I realised in desperation. Something was wrong with my wolf as well every time I was injured by Drake, who had been the only on to visit me lately, my body would feel as if it were burning up and I would be heeled within 10 minutes depending on the state of my injury, during this time my senses would go hay wire, it is un-bearable living this way.

“What a great birthday gift” I muttered bitterly to myself; my throat and tongue felt like sandpaper when I talked, making my words sound thick and were difficult get out of my mouth. I just couldn’t believe this was happening to me, I mean it was bad enough that I had lycan blood running through my veins little own being kidnapped and chained.

The sun had long since risen making the cell sweltering hot, I was sure that I would have been sweating from the heat if I had had any liquid inside my body but I was as dry as a bone. If I had been pure human I was sure that I would have been dead or incredibly close to dying as the human body is only able to survive with no water for 48 hours for me it had been far past this mark. But because of the lycan blood I was much more tolerant to not drinking the clear stuff.

Death would be such an easy escape but I am afraid that it is not possible here. I watched with shrunken eyes when the door was scraped open against the floor and two of Drake’s men marched inside carefully shutting the door behind them obviously so I couldn’t escape – not that I would be able to even if I could somehow muster up any strength.

Silently they stalked closer towards me, one roughly grabbed me arm in a tight grip while the other grabbed a thick key and unlocked the shackle clamped around my leg before throwing it back, I cringed at the incredibly loud clanging it made but it hadn’t seemed to effect the other two guys.

The other buff guy seized my arm and together they dragged me out of the cell, no doubt only one would have had to of carried me I weigh basically nothing, but  they had clearly been given orders so there was no way for me to escape.

This had been the first time I had been out of my cell for a few days so out of curiosity I was taking in my surroundings, the “cell” that I had been kept in was really only a small square building constructed completely from bricks and a heavy metal door. What shocked me was that it looked only newly assembled, and that lead my to suspect that they had been planning my kidnap for quite some time.

As far as I could see around me I was surrounded by a red hot desert, in the distance I was able to see small rises which I was able to assume were sand hills but there was no way I was able to be certain, for it might have only been the heats waves reflecting off the surface of the sand, it was just as hot outside of my prison as it had been inside.

My surroundings shocked me quite a bit, the only sands I knew of were miles away from the castle and nobody would have dared to have ventured out to it because the people that did had never come back. There were some really crazy stories about the people that ventured onto the sands would unsettle the evil spirits from a deep slumber and they would be violently killed for revenge, other that thieves and murders live out here and so on. Father and I had never believed such tales of course, we knew better than to believe in such silly things as spirits.

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