Chapter 2

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=Chapter 2=

=Emma's POV=

I start waking up, my head is pounding, it feels like it’s about to slit open, under the pressure that it’s in. I raise my hands to try and hold it together, but they won’t move. I carefully open my sore eyes, to see why my hands aren't co-operating.

But before I even looked at my hands, I have started panicking. I have no idea where I am. I take another look around, just to be sure. A black cloth was surrounding me leaving just enough room to stand up, there were a few blankets and pillows laid out, messily in one corner. Then running down the centre of the room, were three supporting poles one of which I was tied to, and the other two had lamps tied to them.

I was in a tent?! What was I doing here, how did I get here? So many questions were going off in my head. Then everything came back to me in rush, the massive slaughter of all the innocent guards, being blind foldered, my hands being bound, and the guy with the piercing, ice blue eyes.

I gasped, I had to get out of here and get back home, to the castle. I wounder if my father had started a search for me yet? But what if he had been killed during the invasion? I started tearing up, so many people had lost their live trying to protect me, it was so unfair. I felt a tear slowly leak out of my eyes, leaving a small wet trail down my cheeks.

Emma stop it!! I thought, mentally slapping myself. Pull yourself together girl! You need to toughen up if you are ever going to get out of here alive.

I took a few deep calming breaths, panicking would get me know where, I scowled myself. Then I started wriggling my hands around trying to loosen the ropes tight grip on my hands. But just as my luck went, they never loosened, they wouldn't even move a few millimetres.

I sighed, why did this have to happen to me, I had never wanted any of this! But I won’t give up! I started wriggling my hands around, much rougher than before, I just had to get this rope off!

I felt a few pricks, and then a sharp stinging pain rose up through my hands, the pain started spreading up my arm. I closed my eyes at the sudden pain, my breathing became raggered, but I wouldn't give up.

Then a thought hit me, what about the curse, I was to become a werewolf in a few days, then even more lives would be taken, but this time it would be by my hand, and I couldn't let that happen, they may have kidnapped me, but surely there would be innocent people here as well.

Something wet and sticky had started dripping down my hands, the pain was still buzzing through my hands and arms. But I couldn't give up, fear started to rise up inside of me. My wrists started burning even more from my furious tugging.

"You’re not going to get out of the bonds, so it would be in your best interest to stop hurting yourself." Came a loud male voice.

I jumped in fright. I had been so wound up in my thought, and actions that I hadn't been paying attention to anything around me. I heard a deep chuckle from the man.

I started getting angry at this point, so they think that they can kidnap me, knock me out, tie me up, and then laugh at me. I groaned, my life was going from worse, to worser in a matter of...wait how long had I been here for?

I looked up angrily at the guy, he had messy brown hair, and blue eyes.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to hurt myself, if you hadn't have taken me away, and tied me up!" I sneered at him.

He just laughed louder this time. "You think that I took you?! This is classic!"

"I don't think" I sneered "I. know." I yelled, But to my dismay he just started laughing harder, I glared at him, waiting for him to finish. Once he had finally calmed down enough, he started talking.

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