Chapter 1

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=Chapter 1=

=Emma's POV=

I stood in front of my mirror, watching the maids place my dress over my head. The soft midnight blue material, swirled over my head and it fell into place. It fitted perfectly on my delicate frame, the top was snug, and followed my curves, then as it reached my waist it flowed out freely, twisting in gently waves.

My eyes looked up again, and meet my reflections bored chocolate brown eyes. Her light brown hair, fell down just past her shoulders in soft waves. This girl looked beautiful.

"So why do I have to wear this dress again?" I complained

"Your father wishes you to Milady" one of the maids answered me.

"Why do I have to get my hair and makeup done" I whined again.

"Your father requested it Miss" the other maid answered.

"But wh...." I was cut off by the doors being abruptly opened and a brisk set of footsteps entering. I looked up and saw father standing in the doorway looking like his usual arrogant self.

"Is Emma ready yet?" He said in a loud, haughtily voice.

"She's almost ready Sir" the maid whispered with a bowed head. I had to roll my eyes, how pathetic; he's not really that bad...all though on second thought, I shuddered after thinking about what he had done to my last guard. I was awaked from my thoughts as I felt a sharp tug, and the back of my dress tightened.

I started struggling for breath, as it tightened over my torso. Oh how i hated the corsets that I had to wear for 'special' occasions, I felt the person behind me tying the lace and then remove their hands.

"She's ready to go Sir" the maid said.

"Good 'bout time to, the crowds are getting bigger and more impatient as they are having to wait." Father said in a rough voice. He marched up to me and grabbed my arm, and started pulling me towards the open doors that lead to the wide balcony.

As we stepped outside, everyone out in the crowd below started cheering, as they caught sight of their new future queen.

I just sighed, I hated my life everyone counted on me, to be polite and proper. To be an adult before I had to be, life just seemed to be unfair, I know that others would die to be in my shoes, but i would quite willingly give it up, just to have a nice normal life, and a normal birthday. I didn't want one like this, where I had to get dressed up, and was put on display for everyone to see. If I could have one wish, it would to become normal, no kings and queens, no family secrets...

I was brought back to the real world when the people crowd started screaming, what was that about? Then I heard the gun shot, it rung out through the loud open square and everyone become silent.

"We have come for the princess." I loud voice echoed throughout the hushed square. Then a handsome young man came into view, as he strolled into the square, holding a gun.

He wasn't too bad looking, he had messy brown hair, he looked fit, tall, but I was too far away to see his eyes. Just as I thought that I saw his head turned towards me. Then everything happened so fast, one minute I was steering at him, as he was with me, the next thing I know people are screaming and I was being pulled back into my room. The sounds of gun shots were ringing loudly outside.

"We must get the princess out of here!" I heard one of my guards yell.

"Princess, come on!" I looked up in time to see one of the massive guards grab my arm and start pulling me towards the doors, leading into the castle. I took one last look at my room that I most likely wouldn't be returning to any time soon.

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