to the swamp boy

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"swamp boy" lmfao.

but thats what ur middle name reminds me of *goes and laughs head off*

youve helped me so much

and harmed me so much

but you didn't know it

i didn't tell you

i didn't wanna pull you down with me

i can't do that to you

i hope you chose a good high school and college and career and not be a "shameful asian" and go live life happy

youre so enthustiastic about the little miracles of our universe

thats one of the things that i loved about you.

youre excitement though, sometimes,

is overwhelming.

but you can't help it.

i guess i would be like you if i didn't end up like . . . this.

i want to see the world you see it

i want to be able to walk down the street and admire and appreciate 

the little crickets chirping

the way the morning light glistens on the freshly fallen snow

the robins that are jumping from branch to branch, singing

and the stars that shine above us, not surrendering to our suns rays . . . 

not yet.


(gdi guys this is so f-cking Romantic and Transcendental . . . )

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