Room of Requirement

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Riley was a little jumpy. She never skipped classes; however, she sometimes did sleep through them. Her mystery boy, who she now knew as Draco Malfoy, had pulled her out of Theory of Magic. Riley was really nervous about missing Potions class, but Draco chided her.

"If you need to be in class to know the material," he'd said condescendingly, "then you should go to an easier class." Riley had stopped complaining after that.

As they were walking near the Great Hall,, Riley heard a door opening near them. Ahead of them, she spotted Professor McGonagall.

"Draco!" Riley hissed, pulling at his sleeve, "Someone's coming!" Draco cursed under his breath. He didn't feel like coming up with an excuse why a Slytherin boy was skipping class with a Hufflepuff girl. Just as McGonagall was walking around the corner, Riley grabbed on to Draco's hand. She murmured something under her breath that Draco recognized as an invisibility charm. He looked down and didn't see her wand, at least not in her hands.

"You can do magic without a wand?" Draco whispered. Riley shushed him. The professor passed them without even so much as a glance. Riley let go of Draco's hand and the charm dissipated.

"Sorry." She whispered. Draco was quiet for a second then snarled.

"I'll never be able to scrub the dirt from my hand." He growled at her. She didn't even try to respond. After a moment of awkward silence, Draco sighed.

"Look," he began, "What I mean is-"

"You said we were going somewhere no one would find us?" Draco pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yes. The Room of Requirement." he answered simply.

Draco led Riley up many stairs. Riley's legs were burning by the time Draco stopped. She could hardly breathe. She never was very fit.

"Stand there." He ordered. Riley made face at him, but stayed right where she was. She watched Draco as he paced in front of a section of wall three times. To Riley's surprise, a door appeared. Draco wrapped his hand around the doorknob. He looked back at Riley.

"Well?" He said impatiently. Riley blinked and followed him inside.

The room was about the size of one of the classrooms. There were a few cabinets along the wall. They were large and made of what seemed to be sandalwood. Riley walked over to the armoirs and ran her hand along the wood. She was greeted by the sweet smell the wood let off. Inside, there were many vials and different powders and things. She faintly heard Draco close the door as he entered the room himself.

"Now," he started," what do you know about Oneiromancy?" Riley looked up at him.

"What do you want to know?" Draco, again, seemed hesitant.

"How can you protect your dreams?" He asked. Riley looked at him for a moment. Did he remember the dream from the other night? He didn't really seem like he did. Riley sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in the room. She looked around at the room again. There was one window high up on the northern facing wall that took up about half of the wall. The sunlight streamed in and cast colours from the stained glass into the room. But, for nighttime, there were candles fastened on to the walls. The holders were a sturdy iron and fashioned to look like lion paws. Riley frowned. Where had she seen those candelabras before?

Draco cleared his throat which called Riley back to the question.

"Protect? Do you mean ward them from nightmares?" Draco shook his head.

"Is it possible to," he paused,"enter someone's dreams?" Riley thought this over for a second.

"Yes," she answered slowly," it is possible. Although not practiced by many."

"Is it difficult?" Riley flinched. She had hoped to not let the level of difficulty out.

"Yes." She answered again, "It's only difficult because there are only two ways to accomplish entering, and even influencing, someone's dream." Draco gave her a short nod, signaling her to continue. She let out a breath.

"You're either permitted to enter by some form of bond or contract. Or you force your way inside." Draco looked at her, his brows together.

"What do you mean by force?" He asked. Even though his face was steady, his voice wavered. Riley glanced at him again, then down at her lap where her hands sat clasped.

"Usually with a potion. But, there are spells. Or, rather, curses." She whispered, "They're awful.

"Are they painful?" Riley closed her eyes and bit the inside of her lip as her body shuddered.

"Yes. They are even more painful than the Cruciatus curse." Her voice broke on the first word. No matter how many memories she used to replace her actual memories, her body still remembered the pain.

Electrified pins and needles...

Hot wax made from skin eating parasites...

White hot nails hammered in to her temples...

Spiked snakes slithering through the crevices in her brain...

A voice, sickly sweet, never quieting...

Draco watched something similar to recognition pass over Riley's face. He noticed the small tremors that ran through her shoulders. He thought, for a moment, maybe someone had forced their way in to Riley's dreams. But he quickly pushed that away because it was one of those things that just never happened to people you knew. Draco was appalled. He didn't know Riley. He just needed to use her.

"Can you stop someone from entering?" He asked impatiently. Riley opened her eyes and made a face.

"Yes and no. Yes, depending on the bond or level of Oneiromancer. No, depending on the level of Oneiromancer." Draco pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated breath.

"What in the world are you blabbering on about?" Riley bit her lip again. Could she tell him?

"If I am stronger than the person you're trying to keep out, yes. It will work." Draco's face paled. He looked down then back at Riley.

"What do you need to do?" Draco asked steadily. Riley looked up at him.

"I need to break your bond." She replied simply.

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