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Draco was back in Riley's construct gardens. She had told him once the inspiration for the area, but at the moment, the information escaped him. He looked around to see what had changed since he had last been there.

The ground was completely covered with lush, green grass and bright, vibrant flowers. He also saw a small garden with many herbs he recognized from class and others he didn't. Trees had grown, harboring fruits that looked like they would explode with juice at any moment. The steel grey eyes glanced around but didn't see Riley.

"Riley?" He called out. There was no answer, save the whistling of wind among the leaves. Draco walked around, ending up back at the obelisk. He studied it again, the tendrils of darkness slithering off the black sides. The runes almost glowed a thirsty red. A shiver ran down the length of his spine. Jeez, where was Riley?

Draco continued to search the realm. He eventually stumbled upon a small, single-room house. It had a steeped, thatched roof. The door was open slightly, leading in to the cramped room. The walls were red and brown brick, but they were quickly being overrun by vines and other plants. There was one square window, the window panes dusty and broken. Draco walked slowly to the structure, thinking that the ground would fall out from under his own feet.

He pushed open the door, peering inside. The floor was earthen with no rugs. The only furniture in the house was a bed at the back of the room.

"Riley!" He exclaimed, finally coming in to the room. He jumped as the door slammed shut behind him. The light in the room dimmed, the darkness from the obelisk obscuring the windows.

"Oh great," he murmured. He felt just as trapped as Riley was. Maybe that was exactly what was happening.

The room turned cold as the sunshine dissipated. More shivers tore through his body as an ominous feeling entered the room. He walked to the back of the room, finding Riley on the bed. She was laying there—suspended in time—just like she was in the waking world. But she looked to be in pain.

Draco knelt down next to her and gently placed his forehead on Riley's. She was burning up! A cold sweat created a sheen layer on her pale skin. A gentle groan came from her lips. Slowly, her eyelids opened to reveal hazy silver eyes.

"Draco?" She whispered, "What are you doing?" Her voice was soft and shaking. It was like it was painful for her to speak. He raised himself slightly, just so their foreheads were no longer touching.

"Your mind can't handle the strain of constantly being in the Dream Realm, can it?" He asked gently. Riley didn't answer. Draco felt a strange emotion welling up inside of him, desperation maybe?

"You knew this would happen the whole time?" The cloudy, liquid silver orbs flittered sideways. Her head nodded slightly.

"I knew it was a possibility," she began, "If something went horribly wrong, that is. It always is. Like swimming in the ocean, it's always possible to drown." A moment of silence followed then a soft smile spread across her lips. She looked him back in the eyes.

"I knew that if I told you, you would have never agreed to any of it." Draco was startled when he felt the gentle brush of her fingertips against his cheek. Her palm was cool as it pressed to his cheek.

"You have a big heart, Draco. Even if you don't show it." Something inside Draco twisted painfully and made it hard to swallow.

"Tch," he snorted, "Like I care what happens to some nobody." He tried, but his voice just couldn't muster the usual venom. The smile remained on her lips, but a little sparkle in her eyes dimmed.

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