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"This is complete lunacy."

"I thought that's where you rolled, crazyness," Merritt teased. Eva scoffed and lightly punched his shoulder.

"I don't understand how robbing a bank helps us," she clarified.

Merritt was tired of her doubts so he nudged her forward toward the motorcycle she was supposed to be on. She rolled her eyes and hopped on as she tossed her backpack to him.

"You're supposed to be in position," he scolded.

She brushed him off and put on her helmet, winking at him before she shut the visor. As she sped away, Merritt was left standing in his awaited position where he pretended to be a cop.

Eva drove to her position, which was a spot not even two minutes away where Jack was waiting with a car. Once she saw the hidden vehicle, she slowed to a stop by the window.

She knocked on the side and put her foot down on the road to stabilize her. She flicked her visor up as Jack rolled down the window and leaned his left half out to be closer.

"How do you feel about compliments on how hot you look on that bike?" he asked, "Because I have a lot of opinions."

She rolled her eyes and grinned, "Keep the comments to yourself, Jackie. I like it when you keep things bottled up inside. It makes it more...intense."

His eyes widened. Her usual flirtatious comebacks had never been so direct or forthcoming. It made him blush and stutter for a response, which made her laugh as she put her visor back down.

"Time's up," she stated.

She revved her engine again and started leading him back to where Merritt was. Once he collected himself, he followed her.

After a short time period, they found Merritt standing behind the bank's large truck. Jack hopped out of the car while Eva helped Merritt open the back.

Inside was loads of European money with Danny and Henley lying in the middle of it. Eva pushed herself up onto the truck and quickly began to toss the money down to Merritt and Jack.

"You look super cute in that outfit by the way," Henley commented. The red head checked out Eva's all black outfit with a leather jacket and fingerless gloves.

"I tried to tell her," Jack sighed.

They all let out short laughs as they switched out the real money for the fake money Jack had in the trunk of the car. Once it was all replaced and in a neat and tidy fashion, Eva handed Danny the final piece of the trick.

Of course, Danny had to inspect the card and ticket before he actually placed it in its proper position. Once he was satisfied, they closed the truck back up and left.

Merritt couldn't drive very far on the police's motorcycle so they stopped at the spot Jack was previously stationed. He ditched the bike in an empty parking lot and climbed into the car. Eva stayed on her bike and followed them back to the hotel. She parked it beside the car in the parking garage.

The elevator ride up to their rooms was completely silent. Since it was so late at night, they were all tired and looking forward to getting into bed.

Once the elevator arrived on their floor, they slowly walked down the hall to their rooms. The girls separated into one while the boys took the adjoining room.

Henley flopped down on the bed, too tired to even change or shower. But Eva, being a good friend, tossed the woman a pack of makeup wipes and took off her shoes for her.

Henley muttered a thank you, which was muffled by her face being smushed into the pillow. Eva chuckled and grabbed some clothes from her duffel bag before heading to the bathroom.

She didn't feel like showering either so she simply changed into her pajamas and washed her face. Once she felt freshened up enough, she swung the door open only to come chest to chest with Jack.

She stumbled back as she collided into him. She muttered an apology before she looked up and saw that he was almost completely naked. The only thing that covered him was a towel that lowly hung on his hips.

Her eyes trailed over his abs and chest. He caught her staring and smirked smugly, crossing his arms. She noticed that it was giving him satisfaction so she looked up and cleared her throat. She did her best to only look at his face.

"What are you doing in here?" she asked.

"The shower isn't working in our bathroom. You wouldn't mind if I used yours, would you?"

His smirk never left his face. She shook her head professionally and stepped to the side to make room for him to walk in.

"Of course not."

"Good," he sighed. He took a quick step towards her, making her bump into the sink counter behind her. Her breath slightly hitched as he came within an inch of her face.

"I wouldn't want you to feel frustrated."

A blush crawled up her cheeks. To play it off, she narrowed her eyes and faked a smile. She slid past him and walked out of view from the bathroom doorway. She heard him laugh lightly before he shut the door and the shower started running.

She groaned and flopped down on the bed. Henley, who was practically almost passed out, barely lifted her head to address the girl.

"Just get it on already," she pushed.

Eva shook her head stubbornly.

Danny and Merritt walked through the adjoining door between rooms. They'd seen and heard the whole encounter, grinning like idiots the entire time.

"The sexual tension is so strong," Danny commented.

"Gross," she retorted.

"What's the kids say these days?" he asked rhetorically, pretending to forget. He turned to Merritt in fake confusion before looking like a lightbulb clicked, "Ah, 'get jiggy with it.'"

Eva shuddered as the other two laughed.

"Don't ever say that again please."

Merritt laughed and fist bumped Danny. She rolled her eyes.

"He just makes me so-"

"Frustrated?" Merritt teased.

She pulled a pillow from behind her and tossed it at him. Both him and Danny dove back through the doorway and dodged the projectile.

Henley merely grinned as the girl ran her hands over her face.

"Goodnight grumpy!" Merritt shouted.

Eva scoffed and yelled back,

"Goodnight assholes!"


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