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"This isn't creepy at all."

Eva shoved the tarot card into her jacket as she looked up at the old apartment building. The foundation was cracked and crumbling. Even the birds nesting in the fire escape didn't want to be there.

She took a deep breath before walking through the front door. She looked up the stairs and started ascending them. As she made her way up, she heard bickering from above.

Once she reached the right floor, the bickering got louder. That's when she saw a group of four standing around the same door she was supposed to be at.

"Five strangers all meet in a crappy apartment at the same time in front of the same door. I hope this is coincidence."

As she spoke, the others turned to look at her. She sauntered closer and crossed her arms in a confident way.

"Oh great, someone else," a man muttered. The oldest man hit the other one on the shoulder for being rude.

He took off his hat and held out his hand in introduction, "Merritt McKinney. And you?"

"Eva Donahue."

She neglected to shake his hand and instead only nodded. He retracted his hand awkwardly and put his fedora back on.

"Right, well I'm Henley."

The woman greeted the girl nicely. They were both relieved that there was another female presence amongst the group.

"I'm J. Daniel Atlas."

Eva turned her head to the man who had originally spoke first. He didn't look too nice or polite, which was great because Eva wasn't looking to make friends.

"Where's your card?" he asked.

She pulled it out of her jacket and handed it to him for inspection. He mumbled in intrigue at the devil drawing.

"So what do you do?" Meritt asked, "Personally, I'm a mentalist."

"I'm an escapist," Henley added.

Eva uncrossed her arms and fiddled with the deck of cards in her pockets.

"I'm an illusionist, sleight of hand, and a semi-mentalist," she answered.

They all raised their eyebrows in fascination and admiration. Even Daniel looked impressed, which seemed like something he never was.

"She's a jack of all trades!" Meritt exclaimed.

"I'm Jack!"

Eva turned to see the one other man she hadn't been introduced to yet. He raised his hand like a little kid waiting on the teacher to call on him.

He noticed that everyone was staring at him weirdly so he dropped it. He tried to play it cool by clearing his throat.

"Uh, I mean that's my name. I'm Jack Wilder."

She playfully narrowed her eyes. He rocked back and forth on his heels as he waited for someone to break the awkwardness. Luckily, Eva did.

"So can we get this over with?" she questioned.

"The door's locked," Daniel stated.

Jack chuckled and shook his head. He pushed his way from the back and kneeled next to the keyhole of the door.

"Nothing's ever locked."

He used a special tool to pick the lock. The door swung wide open a few seconds later. Jack smugly got back up to face the group.

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