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Eva rolled her eyes, "That just makes me want to swear more."

She huffed and turned her swiveling chair back towards the laptop on the desk. She furiously typed and pressed keys in a fit of panic.

"Shit!" she cursed, "Damn it!"

She hit the desk with her fist as the screen showed a blocked banner. She groaned and ran her hands down her face as it began to beep consistently.

Jack saw her frustration and placed his hands on her shoulders for comfort. He leaned over and inspected the screen in confusion.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"The firewall is down."


"So it means we're gonna get caught if we don't get it back up or get the hell out of here."

She shut the laptop and opted for the second option. Everyone started to rush around the apartment and pack up their things.

"Do they know this is happening?" Henley asked.

"They who?"

"The people we're working for."

Merritt scoffed and tossed an armful of rolled up paper into a bag, "Who are we working for anyway? And are we prepared to go to jail for them?"

"Stop being paranoid," Danny chided.

Jack joined in on Merritt's fear, "Guys, I don't want to go to jail."

Henley came over to Eva's side and helped her pack up all their tech into the padded duffel bags.

"Then don't screw up!" Danny snapped, "You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. So now might be a good time to start acting like one."

Eva heard the comment and she moved to stand between them. She turned a sharp glare onto Danny, "He gets it, okay? Let's just move to plan B."

They both nodded at her command and continued to pack everything up. Eva rushed around the rooms and packed bags for everyone, making sure it was only the essentials and the sentimental objects, which were rare.

When she came back out into the main room, Danny and Merritt were bickering again.

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. After that, I'm gone."

"You can do whatever you want after this is all over, Merritt. But until then, you stick to the plan," Henley ordered.

Each of them opened their mouth to overlap each other's arguments. Eva rolled her eyes and allowed each bag to thump down on the wooden floor.

"Hey!" she shouted.

All of their eyes turned to her in the center of the room.

"We did this together so we're finishing it together! I don't give a damn whether or not you're scared because we all are!"

They sighed and bowed their head in shame. She looked around to lock eyes with each.

"So get your shit together!"

They meekly nodded and moved to continue packing. But as Danny passed the window, he saw police lights and agents filing out of the cars.

"They're here."

That only made their movements quicker. Eva felt like time was closing in on them. She hurriedly pushed the three out the door, leaving herself and Jack behind the clean up the mess.

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