Chapter 28

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The alarms blared in the "Mother's" room and throughout the whole facility. Everyone was running about, going to their patients rooms to lock them inside then ran straight to their state of the art panic rooms.

Quill, Marry, and Kinley stayed put in their room. No one came to lock their door because Jason and Noah were their main "doctors". It helped because they were waiting for them so they could escape.

The plan was when the alarms started going off to head to a side exit where Buffy and others would be waiting. Then they would escape and head back to Cedar Woods or to the nearest hospital if something happened.

But nothing would happen, they would be fine. Quill kept on telling himself that, nothing would go wrong. It would be a piece of cake!

Oh, how cake would be so good right now... Quill shook his head, it's not the time to be having pregnancy cravings!

Noah and Jason came barreling into the room. Jason had a little pink bundle in his arms. They were both huffing and puffing, still wearing what looked like surgery scrubs.

"Who's that?" Quill asked.

"Meet Tatum Luna." Jason smiled down at the tiny sleeping baby. How she could sleep while the alarms were going was a true mystery.

"Riley?" Marry asked, looking hopeful but already knowing the answer.

"No." Noah shook his head sadly. There's been way too much death in this facility and he's glad that they were escaping.

"Sorry, but we have no time to talk. We need to hurry because I don't know if we'll have enough time. Marry, can you help Quill run?" Jason asked, trying to make a makeshift sling for TL, to make it easier to carry her.

"Of course." Marry let Quill hold onto her while he hobbled out of the room.

The hallways were vacant, and a red eerie glow accompanied the alarm. It didn't take long before they reached the south exit of the building. Quill huffed as they reached it, other than being pregnant with twins making it hard for him to run. He felt like it was still too easy for them to get there.

There were no guards in sight and he felt like something bad was going to happen.

Jason opened the door about six inches so he could look around. There was a small parking lot with one car in the middle for cover if need be. Some creights lined the side of the parking lot next to the woods.

He looked more closely into the trees and Buffy was right. There was Knox, Brooks, Rowan and him with several other werewolves and other creatures hiding in the tree line.

There was about fifty feet between them and the trees. If they just sprinted as much as they could, they would be fine.

A thought occurred to Jason as he looked to TL in her sling.

"We're going to have Quill, Marry, Kinley and TL running in front of us so they could reach the tree line first. Then Noah and I will be in the back and try to cover you guys as much as we can." He turned to Kinley and got down on her level. "Kinley, can you please take care of TL, you can't drop her."

"I will!!" She said confidently, letting Jason make a sling for TL around her chest. Once he was done, she looked down at the baby and began to coo.

"Good." Jason looked behind them and saw that guards were finally running at them in the hall. He wondered when they would show up.

"Everybody out now!!!" Jason yelled. Throwing open the doors, the group burst out into the sunlight.

The guards were relentless in their chase and kept on shooting after them. Jason could hear their shoes hitting against the pavement.

Unbeknownst to them, on top of the flat roofed facility was a line of guards and some hybrid soldiers. Right in the middle of them was the boss himself. Jason's father.

He held a megaphone and slowly raised it up to his mouth, the soldiers' guns raising with him.

"Jason, if only you were a better son." His voice rang out through the parking lot. Halting the group about twenty feet away from their destination. "I wouldn't have had to do this."

Jason looked back to stare at his father, similar blue eyes staring into him coldly. He felt his heart constrict, they weren't going to be able to escape from him. He wasn't going to be able to.

"Fire." His father smirked coldly, as he gave the go to his men.

"Run!" Jason yelled as they started again. They were so close, they couldn't give up now. He would try to give Noah the life he deserved.

Three bullets rang through the air, embedding themselves into Jason's back. Two in his upper left region, where his heart was and one in his lower lumbar region.

"NO!!!!!!!!" Quill screamed, they all did. Quill had already gotten to the tree line with Marry, Kinley and TL. "Jason!!!"

Two people screamed his name, one was Quill and the other was Noah. he was right next to Jason, on the ground. Quill wanted to run back out to them but strong brown arms encircled his waist. Bringing him behind a tree.

Noah kneeled next to Jason, trying to plug all of the holes with his hands so he wouldn't bleed out. They went right through his chest and stomach. Noah was freezing up, they got him pretty good. He didn't want to, no he couldn't lose another loved one.

Especially Jason.

"N-Noah... Go now..." Jason rasped as flinched, they used silver bullets. The bastards.

"I-I-I can't leave you!!!" Noah sobbed.

"I'm fine, see?" He gently guided Noah's face to look only at his face instead of his injuries. He coughed a little bit, some blood dribbling out.

"No!" Noah didn't want to leave him.

"Go see the world for the first time." Jason smiled up at him.

"But that doesn't matter!" It didn't matter to Noah if Jason wasn't there by his side.

"It does... I-" Jason got cut off by more blood seeping into his lungs. "I love you-" More blood pooled out of his chest, as his once bright blue eyes turned dull.

"NOOOO!!!!!!!!" Noah wailed, he tried to pick up Jason's body but he was too heavy.

Noah didn't register any sound or anything else around him as he kept on struggling to pick Jason up. He barely felt huge arms picking him up as they dragged him away from Jason's body.

"Noah," A deep voice that sounded far away said, it was Buffy.

That didn't matter, the only thing that did matter was the vampire that was bleeding out. His blood colored the dusty pavement, as he looked up at the blue sky.

Not even the pierce of pain in the right side of his chest that Noah felt right before they reached the trees mattered.

Nothing did. Because the only thing, the only person that did.

Was already gone.


I Cry!!!!!

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