Chapter 3

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"What books did you get?" Asked Page while she riffled through his book bag.

Quill was a little too late in stopping her, she already grabbed a steamy romance novel out of the bag reading the back cover.

"Eeeeeeee- Quill! Ya nasty!" She squealed while secretly putting the book behind her to read it later. Quill saw this and rolled his eyes, she wouldn't take too long reading it so it doesn't matter.

"Yeah, I'm the nasty one." He retorted. "Do you guys know anything about the founding families of this town?"

"Yeah, a lot actually." Sarah, his other sister said. Flipping her long brown hair over her shoulder. Before he was born, his sisters used to visit Cedar Wood with his dad all the time. So they were already acquainted with the town and it's people. "Why?"

"Uh- I met like almost all of the families. Like the Nobles, Cedars, Winters', Roses, and the Prestons. So all of them actually."

His sisters stared at him in amazement. "Well actually their kids." He gave a goofy grin remembering all of the events that happened that day.

"Aren't you Mr. Popular?" Page asked.

"Did you meet any cute boys?" Of course Sarah had to ask.

"Maybe," Quill hoped they couldn't see the blush creeping up his cheeks. Damn you pale skin!

They practically tackled him onto his bed and begged Quill to tell them who. "C'mon please!!" They begged in unison.

"Creepy, but ok." They squealed again like little kids.

"I met Rowan Rose and Brooks Preston at the ice cream parlor! Then we hung out for a couple of hours. They showed me around town. They kept on glaring at each other though and kept on trying to steal me away from the other. They're so cute!" They looked at him with eyes that said 'keep going, we know there's more.'

"Then when we were heading to the Library, I tripped and got caught by Knox Cedar. He pulled me against him and it was like I was lost in a trance. At first I didn't know he was a werewolf but why does he have to be so cute?! And a mutt?!" The twins gasped in unison once again. They knew all about the relationship law and both of them fell in love with another creature or mortal a bunch of times. Page a werewolf and a faerie while Sarah fell in love with a Nymph. They never told their parents just their brother and he never knew how Page could've fell for a werewolf. They're so disgusting.

"They're all so hot but why?!" Quill whined. "What if they're like Jason? And I can't even be with another creature or mortal either! I don't want to get hurt again." Quill curled up and brought his knees to his chest. Quill heard all the rumors about Jason hooking up with other vampires and even some faeries here and there if he got really desperate. He thought they had a closed relationship, thought it was a given since they were boyfriend and boyfriend. But he guessed wrong. Quill didn't want to believe the rumors but after seeing his boyfriend- ex-boyfriend- making out with a girl nonetheless!

Flirting with other guys was ok, but actually going further. Like going on dates, etc. He would not let his heart get hurt again. Already super surprised he even hung out with them. They never said it was a date so it probably didn't matter. His whole family knew he was gay and his school too. The creature world was a lot more accepting than the mortal world. Same sex creature couples could also have kids too. Although it's a lot more complicated because some males can have babies and some females can impregnate others but that gene doesn't get activated unless you're gay. He could somehow tell that Rowan, Brooks and Knox were the normal gay guys and he was one that could get pregnant. Jason and him had to be very careful although it's a lot harder to get pregnant but it could happen.

Creatures are weird, thought Quill

"You know you can only end up with Brooks, Quill." Sarah sighed.

"Yeah, I know."

"Especially since you can get pregnant." Page added.

"They're just worried that we'll make a hybrid baby of some sorts and if that happened they would probably kill it." Quill was now mad. 'Why can't I be with anyone I please?' he thought angrily. Already knowing the answer.

"We know, that's what makes it hard." Page put her hand comfortingly on his leg.

"Max and I are still together!" Sarah blurted out then slapped her hands on her mouth to keep it shut but the secret was already out. "We've been secretly dating for two years now." She looked down, one tear slid down her cheek. Max belongs to a family of Nymphs, our families have been friends with each other for years but it's still not allowed.

Page stared in shock at her twin, they tell each other everything especially if the secrets are this huge and dangerous. Quill mirrored her facial expression.

"I know I know." Sarah started to cry. Page grabbed her twin and pulled her close, stroking her hair to calm her down.

"Shh, it's ok. Shhh."

"We won't tell anyone," Quill said. Little did they know their parents already knew about them dating because seriously no one can hide something like that from their parents. Parents know all (XD).

"Hey guys, time to get dressed for the meeting." A guy that looked like he was 20 years older than Quill said through the door.

"Ok dad," They all said this time. When Sarah stopped crying, the twins went to their rooms to get changed and left Quill alone. The meeting was more like a party to welcome the family back to Cedar Wood. The Ables were a huge part of the town, and would make sure everything was running smoothly with the creatures. Helping out the Roses with policing everyone.

So Quill had to bring out his best clothes, vampires were fancy like that. He took out his black slacks that were tailored to him perfectly with a white dress shirt and black tie. Then he grabbed his black suit jacket that hugged all the right places. He messed with his hair just a bit and walked out into the hallway.

The twins walked out into the hallway at just the same time. Sarah wore a dark blue long flowy dress and blue lace sandals. And Page wore the same style but in a soft white dress and sandals. Their dark brown hair was up in a messy bun, some tendrils falling to frame their face. They both did a twirl at the same time and Quill gave them a thumbs up. Then he did the same getting the same results.

"Good, you guys are ready." Their mom came up the stairs. She wore a black flowy dress but not as long as her daughter's dresses. They looked almost exactly like her except her hair was a lighter brown and her eyes were too.

"You look beautiful mom." Complimented Quill.

"Your dad raised you right." She said with a smile. 

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