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The five main protagonists of the story - 'MAYBE THE LAST'

Meet Jennifer

A blonde girl with porcelain skin and cobalt eyes. She comes from a middle class family and her birthplace is New York. She is wise with a charismatic personality. She can be moody at times, but is approachable. You can trust her and ask for help whenever needed. If we talk about her weakness, then it's being late.


Meet Samantha

A brunette with ivory skin tone and emerald eyes. Her father is CEO of a big automobile company. Her hobby? Well, she loves teasing people, especially, her friends. She is caring, sensitive and girly. Despite being annoying, she is cheerful, competitive and brutally honest. Her weakness are bugs.


Meet Caroline

A black haired girl with pale ivory skin and crystal eyes. A tomboy. Just like Jennifer, she also comes from a middle class family. She's full of energy and is badass. She's quarrelsome but confident. Her best personality trait is being confident. And her weakness? It's delicious food.


Meet Kevin

A raven haired boy with pale ivory skin and hazel eyes. A techno savvy. Loves technology more than anything else. He's a white hat hacker. He's wise, meticulous and patient.


Meet Lance

A blonde guy with rose beige skin and crystal eyes. He's a linguist. From French to German, he has learnt several languages. He's a do or die kind of person. He's organized and open minded. His weakness - get's annoyed very easily.


*New characters may be added later. These five are the protagonists.

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