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"Huh are you both done?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah but where are you going?"

"Um...I was just wandering around," I made an excuse which hopefully worked. I decided not to think anymore about that incident considering it non-worthy of my precious time.


"Ahem," Samantha coughed a little to gain the boys' attention, who just returned from the haunted house. They were stunned. And eh, why wouldn't they? It was a HaUnTeD HoUsE.

"Are these two dead?" I whispered to Samantha. "Seems like yes," she answered back. I snapped my fingers to bring them back to reality. Lance shook his head, and so did Kevin. "Are you both still alive?" Caroline enquired. They nodded, yet wearing a horrified expression on their faces. "I'll get creepy nightmares today," Kevin murmered but he was clearly audible. We girls let out a giggle on examining their condition.

"It's 5," Samantha  told, staring at her wrist watch. "We still have half an hour left for the circus show," I replied. I and Samantha already informed the others about the circus. "I'm going there!" Lance exclaimed cheerfully as he ran towards the roller coaster, "Probably it will brighten up my mood too," he added.

And there we were, sitting on the giant roller coaster. I saw Samantha being uneasy. Her expression could tell that she was petrified.

The ride started

Everyone was filled with enthusiasm except for one person - Samantha. She was howling like a crazy.




"It was stupendous, I loved it", Kevin admitted. On the other hand, Samantha was still terrified. Her hair was messy and throat was sore. She stomped to the other direction.

"Everything was fine till childhood but now I have developed Acrophobia. I'm afraid of  heights," she grabbed her head. "Okay okay fine, everything is fine now," I assured her. I even brought a water bottle for her from a nearby stall. Yes, I know, there's hardly any one who gets a friend like me, right?

We were walking towards the tent, when a girl bumped into us. She smiled. I could make out that she was an Asian, nearly twenty and had a fashion just like a nerd. A brunette with short hair, held in place with a black hairband and the tiny bangs were covering her forehead. She wore big black-rimmed glasses and braces, even though her teeth looked perfectly arranged.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry," she apologized and began to pile up the papers, which were scattered on the ground.

"Everything is fine," I replied and helped her in gathering them. "You looked in a hurry, is something wrong?" Kevin questioned the young girl. "Oh no, I have to go. I'll come back in an instant", she replied and dashed to her way.

As she said, she came back instantly. "I'm Jade, Jade Miller," she introduced herself. "And thanks for helping me," she added. "My pleasure", I replied and gave her the widest smile I could. We had a quick introduction and concluded that she wasn't a native. She was from Russia, and came to New York for her studies.

"Did you also hear about the circus?" Caroline asked. "YES! SHALL WE GO TOGETHER?" Jade exclaimed, sounding energetic all of a sudden.


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