Chapter 5

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Remy's P.O.V
I saw everthing that Farquaad did i was so amgry that i left without saying anything. After a while of walking in the rain  someone popped out of nowhere i got scared but it turned out to be the puss in boots he said " And why are you here remy all alone in rain" i just stood there and looked at him thats when all of my anger came out and i started crying. The puss in the boots was shook, and then without controlling myself i yell everthing that i kept inside of me "WHY DID HE DO THIS TO ME I THOUGHT HE LOVED ME AND NOW HE'S WITH THAT DOUCHBEG WHO ONLY WANTS TO FUCK HIM" he looked at me with a smirk and said " Well then don't you wanna make him jealous?" my eyes widened and a smirk came on my face " Uhmm well m-maybe" i said with an embarrased look on my face.

Puss in the boots P.O.V
As he said, that i started to make plans about how to make Barry jealous as something came up on my mind i told Remy and the next day we would do as i said, to him.

Third person 's P.O.V
After their talk Remy went home and did his night routine. That night barry didn't come, like Remy cared at all.

I'm sorry you guys i didn't  have time  at all because of school (;'ٹ') hope you guys liked this chapter i'll try to update soon💖💖💕💞

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