chapter 5 (the test of bravery)

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Third person pov
The A-1class was finished with there training for the day and it was time for them to prepare dinner Mr.Aizawa put the students in two pairs "today students you all will be preparing curry for dinner tonight and then after we are done we will put you to the test of bravery in the woods" he said to the students and placed a sheet of paper of who their paired with to make curry Bakugou was the first to look and he was pared with Urauraka he was happy but he didn't want to show it to the class he walked towards Urauraka and took them to their table to make curry.

Urauraka pov
I was waiting for my turn to look at the form the Mr.Aizawa left us with till Bakugou came out of the crowd and grabbed me "come on floaty I'm paired with you to make curry and I'm going to show these extras how to make the best curry no one has ever had" he said I laughed a bit of how he was so determined to make such a simple dish and then we made it to are table we got ready to start Bakugou passed me the vegetables "go and wash the vegetables I'll start cutting the meat and make sure they are clean thoroughly got it floaty"he said "Yep got it Bakugou" I said running to the sink (2min later) I came back to Bakugou with clean vegetables and placed it on the table "good work sweet cheeks"he said with a smirk made me blush a bit "now go get the fire wood and start a fire for the stove" he said I got back to my sense and did as told then Bakugou came up behind me with the big pot of curry and place and places it on the stove.

Bakugou pov
We were done making the curry before anyone else I was proud of myself and angle face That I imagined that she was helping me cook in the kitchen as if we were husband and wife living happily which made me want her even more and those kind heartfelt word she said to me kept repeating over and over again in my head that kept me going in my training and these feeling that I don't understand what their doing to me making my heart beat faster around angle face I got to figure it out but how " hey Bakugou you alright you were quite for a bit there" Urauraka snapped me out of my thoughts "ya I'm fine floaty just thinking what to do in are next day of training that's all" I said she smiled at me "ok Bakugou just don't over do it ok" she said I smiled a small bit"don't worry about me I'm going to be fine just watch me angle face" I said showing her the biggest smile then the food was ready to eat I made are plates ready and stared eating I looked at angle face she was about to eat till Deku came along "hey Urauraka I just came to check on how you doing" he said and before she cold speak I replied"she was doing just fine but you came and interrupted her" I said in a angry tone which scared him " oh s-sorry Kacchan I didn't notice you there well I'll be going now sorry" he said backing away from us and went to four eyes and icy hot table then raccoon eyes came with hair for brains, Pikachu and sot sauce face came along mina and urauraka started talking to each other which didn't bother me cause there friends and the rest of the extras started to talk about the training and I watched angle face be happy and enjoying the curry we made together. Then it was time for the test of bravery we were at the edge of the woods, I was paired with icyhot which pissed me off "f*ck off you stupid icyhot I want to switch partners" I said " I'm afraid that not an option Bakugou" Mr Aizawa said I looked at angle face she was with frog face I was relieved but still mad (2 hours later) me and icyhot was halfway through the woods till the LOV appeared out of nowhere we were fought with all we got till I was kidnapped and sucked into a portal and the last thing I saw was angle face screaming my name trying to reach out to get me till everything went black.

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