chapter 8(ALL OF ONE)

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Bakugou was looking at the TV screen while he was being welcomed by All for one for joining LOV and Bakugou was a bit shocked to see All for one for the first time.

Bakugou pov 💥
At first it was weird to see the greatest villain on a TV screen but I had some questions that need to be answered "hey I have some questions that needs answered"I said "fine I'll answer your question"he said "why did you guys want me for?" I said "we wanted you because we saw a lot of potential in you than the hero's do and we want to help you take that potential out"he said "ok then who was spying on me?" I said "Shigarki he was more quiet than the others" he said I looked at he " you were just watching me" I said "yes why" crusty face said "I wanted to make sure" I said " geez kid why would I look at your girl I'm older than both of you" crusty face said in an irritated tone he was right so I had no worries about it "is that all your questions Bakugou" one for all asked "I have one more can I go out late" I said they all looked at me with suspicious stares "why" he said "so I can see angle face dumb ass"I said "angle face?" All for one said in a confused tone "he's talking about her" piercings said holding up a poorly pictures photo "you guys have bad angles in you photos use the ones on my phone for him to see her better" I said they looked at me in disgust "WHAT IT NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU GUYS HAVE BAD PICTURES" I yelled I tried to get up off the chair but I was still strapped to it "hey can you guys get me out of this chair I need to do something" I asked " and what would that be?"crusty face said "I'd that I'll make floaty lunch everyday if she picked a good snack for me" I said
"And how are you going to give it to her?" Crusty face said I sighed at him in irritation"easy I'll placed it on her kitchen counter" I said "can somebody else get this kid out I'm to freaked out by this kid than I am already" crusty face said while piercings let me out.

Urauraka pov 🍡
I was laying in bed hoping that Bakugou will be ok with the League of villains bit I felt sleepy and fell asleep(next day) I woke to the sound of my alarm clock "aagg good morning Mondays" I said to myself I got out of bed and do my morning routine and got my uniform on and head to the living room mom and dad left another note saying they're be home late again I sighed and went to the kitchen and noticed bento box was on the counter I picked it up and untapped it to see what inside as I opened it the smell do the food was incredible it made me Drull then a letter fell out I picked it up I opened it I was shocked it was from Bakugou
You might be surprised right now but I take my deals seriously make sure you eat you need it.
- Bakugou 💥

I was happy that he's ok but I wondered how he got in to my apartment I locked the door last night but I'll worry about that later I have to head to school.

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