Chapter 9

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Gon has always been a happy person. He always saw the good in people, believed in the good of humanity and never let any situation drag him down, no matter how helpless it seemed. There were many people in his life that made it worth living, smiling, and laughing every day. His aunt Mito and his grandmother, who raised him and thought him to always be kind to everybody. His friends who were always fun to be around and who always cheered him up. He knew he could always rely on these people to be there for him and he was incredibly grateful for that.

However, Killua was a different story altogether.

Of course, Gon had had relationships in the past, but none of them had lasted significantly long. Gon just figured they were better of as friends and more often than not the other person would agree to going back to friends, even if at first there had to be a lot of tears shed and ice cream eaten. Gon reckoned it was always best to be honest, even if breaking up was painful, leading another person on could hurt more.

The raven was an extravert through and through. He loved spending time with multiple people at once and making new friends. He got his energy and happiness from being around other human beings, he had never liked being alone for longer periods of time. He knew that he was selfish in a way. He knew that he almost constantly demanded attention, especially when he was interested in someone, and he understood that that could be overbearing and exhausting for some people.

He had tried to take things slow with Killua, to not constantly demand the other man's attention and to give him space. Killua seemed like the kind of person who wanted to be left alone from time to time and who valued his privacy.

But Gon just couldn't help it. He had wanted to spent time with Killua before their little confession and kiss, but now that he knew that the other liked him back it was very hard for him not to want to be around Killua twenty-four-seven. As soon as Killua was in the same room as him, his heart made a little leap and he felt his mood instantly lift, no matter how he felt before.

Killua honestly didn't seem to mind that Gon enjoyed his company so much, never seemed annoyed when Gon made him spend a couple more hours, or even the night, although Killua had other things to do. And Gon just couldn't help but appreciate the other even more for it.

Even before they became a couple, they were incredibly close and comfortable with each other. Killua was just so easy to talk to and joke around with. Gon felt like he could tell Killua anything and the other wouldn't judge and keep his secrets save, he just hoped Killua felt the same toward him.


It was just after twelve on a Saturday. The sun was shining, and the city streets were buzzing with life. Adults and teenagers made their way downtown and children could be found laughing and shouting at a nearby park.

Gon and Killua could be found snuggled up together on the couch enjoying a little afternoon nap. Both of them had stayed up late into the night, Gon desperately trying to finish a project and Killua desperately trying to help him and keep his sanity with how easily Gon got distracted from his work.

The couch was comfortable, even though it was not made for more than one person sleeping on it at a time. However, Gon and Killua made it work and neither one of them would have felt like complaining about the lack of space between them if they were conscious.

They were both peacefully sleeping in their own little bubble, blissfully unaware of the reality around them, until they were harshly awoken by cold water being duped onto them. Both of them shot up and in an attempt to feel the ice-cold shower fell right of the couch.

"Kurapika! What the fuck!", Killua made his discomfort clear. He and the blond had grown a lot closer over the couple of weeks him and Gon had been together, so the white haired male felt no form of guilt while cursing the other out.

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