Chapter 5

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Something was up. The moment Leorio was in Killua's car he had put on this big complacent grin that just made Killua feel on edge and very fidgety.

After a few minutes of total silence that only served to make Killua even more uncomfortable Leorio finally decided to speak up. "So, how was your date with Gon, did you manage to get laid?"

Totally caught off guard by the questions Killua slammed the brakes and turned to Leorio with almost comically wide eyes and a gaping mouth. He was about to say something, but he was rudely interrupted by loud honking coming from a car behind them.

He quickly set the car in motion again and thanked his lucky star that Leorio lived a bit outside of the city, where traffic wasn't that bad, so that he didn't just cause a car accident by bringing his car to an abrupt stop in the middle of a rode.

Desperately trying to regain his compulsion Killua attempted to keep his voice as natural and calm as possible, but even he could tell that he was doing a shit job. "First of what date are you talking about? I must have missed it. And second how in the actual fuck did you come up with the idea of us two getting off together?!"

Leorio, who had been laughing throughout the entire ordeal had so far managed to calm down and give Killua a devious smirk. "Well Killu dearest, you see a date happens when two people get together for an activity and the possibility of romance between them is very likely to happen or occur, and since that is the case for you and Gon I would consider your little meeting yesterday a date."

Killua had to keep reminding himself that he was currently driving a car, to stop himself from turning to Leorio and stare at him as if the other man had grown a second head. "Did you google 'definition for date' just before you got into the car?"

"Since we have now established that your gathering was a date and since you two are meeting up again today", Leorio went on with a straight face and pretending he hadn't heard Killua, "it would only make sense that it went well. Plus," and now his serious expression broke," everybody knows a date is just an audition for sex."

"One, not a single word you just said made sense. Two we are meeting again today so I can help him study for his exam. Three it wasn't a date, just two friends hanging out. And four we are here, so get your ass moving old man."

And with that Killua killed the engine and got out of the car, not bothering to check whether Leorio was following him or not.

As the two of them were climbing the stairs to reach their destination Leorio wouldn't stop teasing Killua and the white haired man suspected that Leorio had never been so close to death in his life, like he was in this particular moment.

Oh, it would be so easy to just break his neck, slit his throat or push him down the flight of stairs. The last was probably his best option since he could make it look like an accident. No cameras, no witnesses, no...

Loud knocking brought him away from bis perfect murder and back to reality. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he hadn't even realised that they had reached the apartment door.

He could have kicked himself. God dammit! He was a professional assassin; how could he just space out like that?!

Lucky for him, he didn't have a lot of time to dwell on his thoughts, because just than the door was pulled open reviling a tall figure with such a bright smile on his face that it could have rivalled the sun.

"Gon!" Leorio practically shouted, "we were just talking about you."

Killua snapped his head up so quickly, it was a wonder it stayed attached to his neck. Forget the stairs, Killua was going to kill him by removing his tongue and letting him choke to death on his own bleed. But as this was neither the place nor the time to kill his fiend he instead chose to act like the mature adult he was, and deny everything:" I have no idea what this idiot is talking about, as far as I am concerned we were just having a nice chat about the weather."

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