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"I can't believe what just happened" I sighted and hugged San, who kissed my forehead softly. "You did great. He deserved it" the taller replied.

Tears rolled down my eyes. My eyes got puffy and red. San hugged me even tighter as he heard me sobbing.

"Don't cry..I can't see you like this" he said.

"I can't believe he hoped I was dead.." I said sadly. The older also seemed to be upset. I sighted and took his soft hand in mine.

"It isn't easy to find one you can trust" he responded looking mad because of Yeosang's visit. "The only thing that is important right now is that we have each other" San tried to summarize.

I nodded and kissed him softly. My tears made the kiss a little salty but it didn't bother us at all. We were happy...

"What if he comes back?" I asked San frustratedly. He sighted. "I'll handle the situation then" the taller answered solemnly. I only nodded and thanked him.

My world wasn't the world I've lived in before. Everything had changed, but I liked it. I liked the new world I lived in together with him.

"Oh- I still have some presents for you" San suddenly said whereupon he got up and walked into another room. I sat up curiously. He bought me presents? How long did he know that I would come?

San came back with a few black velvet boxes which told me that he probably bought expensive jewelry for me. My eyes got big as he placed the boxes in front of me.

"I bought everything I thought that would look good to your beautiful skin" he explained before I opened the velvet boxes.

In one box was a diamond ring which had "San & Wooyoung" engraved. It was beautiful. No one ever got me a present like this.

The next box contained an expensive filigrane chain. "I- San this is too much" I said overwhelmed. Even though I was the prince, I never actually saw expensive jewelry before.

"It's not too much. Please let me spoil you a little bit. You deserve it" he answered and took the ring in order to put it on my ring finger. I gasped as I saw how much the diamond reflected. That must been an expensive diamond..really expensive.

San continued and put the chain around my neck. As he stood behind me, he used his position and kissed my neck softly, which made me gasp loudly. 

"You have such a beautiful neck" he complimented me. "Thank you San. For everything" I answered whereas I took his soft hand in mine.

For a moment I was unbelievable happy, San too. But we didn't know what would happen next-

"The fire is ready Sir!" Someone screamed. I flinched as I heard the scream. San stood up and walked to the window. "THAT BASTARD!" San yelled, I immediately ran towards him.

"What's wrong?" I asked anxiously whereupon I looked outside. Some soldiers stood there with torches in their hands. My jaw clenched. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My own father wanted to ruin our home and burn us down.

"He'll burn us down.." I stuttered while shivering. San kissed me softly. "I'll handle this" he said and wanted to go outside.

I stopped him and looked deeply into his beautiful piercing eyes. "Kill him" I said crying. San looked at me in shock. "I thought you didn't want me to kill him?" He asked me confused.

"You need to trust me San. I have a plan...just kill him" I replied and kissed him one last time before he went outside in order to finally kill my father.

It was surreal to make someone kill my own father but there was no other option.

"My father will be dead soon" I mumbled to myself in disbelief.

As I sighted, I smelled something weird. It smelled just like smoke. I looked around, nothing. But then I went downstairs and saw the fire.

It was too late to stop the fire. Just like every other person would do, I panicked. I rapidly looked around and tried to figure out how I could escape the fire. But there was no way out.

The fire already burned the whole living room and made it's way to the stairs. I couldn't even go downstairs.

San would safe me. I thought.

I knew I wouldn't die because of the fire. But San explained to me that I was able to feel the real pain.

The air got thinner and thinner every second. The smoke spread rapidly. I could barely breath.

After some time, I closed my eyes and fell on the ground.

This time I want to ask you guys something personal lol
I had a rough week if I am being honest and I want to share something with you because I feel like more girls especially younger girls have to deal with this

I want a septum. Really bad actually. It's been on my mind for years but the aspect that doesn't leave my mind is

Will boys still find me attractive, if I get a septum pierced?

So stupid I know

Actually no one was ever really "into me" and now I am afraid that they find me even more unattractive

I hate myself for even thinking about this but maybe you can share some experiences with me :)

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