09 - Second First Date

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"You look fantastic. You always do, but your style is different today" said Earth, looking at me in a way that made my chest tighten.

"Umm, thanks. It's actually Wat's" I admitted truthfully.

Best to set expectations correct right at the start. I was pretty sure I wouldn't look this good the next time. If there was a next time.

"I'm flattered that you made the effort to seek help. But I can assure you, you always look great. Loving the Boss Baby, by the way" he said, kindly.

I didn't have anything to say in return. In retrospect, I should have returned the compliment. But that would have been like saying the sun is hot. It was that obvious.

"Well, I hope you're ready to be impressed with what I've got planned for us today" said Earth, smiling.

"Yeah, well, I doubt whatever it is will be as eventful as the last time. The excitement bar has been set super high. Unless of course Pam is going to pop out from behind a bush somewhere" I said, smirking at him.

Earth looked at me with puppy eyes. "I'm so sorry about that, Tine. I had a straightforward conversation with her the following day. It was long coming. I've never been in a relationship with her. I promise."

I punched his arm playfully. His biceps were hard as rocks.

"I was just teasing you" I said, wincing slightly. I'd hurt my fist and he'd barely felt it.

We drove on with easy conversation, punctuated by companionable silence.

We pulled up at what looked like a field but turned out to be a tiny airport, with just one landing strip and a hangar.

Earth jumped out and jogged to open my door. He was such a gentleman.

My confused excitement must have shown clearly on my face.

"I haven't brought my passport, in case you were wondering" I said.

Earth laughed. "We're not going all that far. At least not today" he said and the hinted possibility of another day made my heart flutter.

"Come" he said, giving me his hand. I took it shyly, internally crying tears of gratitude and promising to burn many incense sticks before the altars of all the gods I knew.

He led me to where a tiny 2-seater aircraft was parked on the runway.

He quickly fitted me out in a vest, a thick bomber jacket, a helmet, aviation goggles and a large pair of headphones to cover my ears with later.

He kitted himself up similarly before he helped me into the passenger's side of the 2-seater.

"This is a 3-axis microlight. It will take us to our dinner venue" said Earth, his eyes sparkling.

I looked doubtfully at what looked like a tricycle with wings. I decided to seek confirmation.

"Just so I understand this properly and there's no confusion later - you want us to willingly sit in that contraption that looks like a soapbox school project and risk plummeting to a wholly unnecessary and rather permanent state of lifelessness aka death?"

Earth chuckled. "That's a lot of words"

I gulped nervously. "Staring death in the face brings out my inner Shakespeare"

Earth smiled at me and squeezed my fingers.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Tine. Worst case, we will tandem jump from the aircraft and I'll bring you down on a parachute"

I considered it. If I had to die, strapped to Earth's broad and beautifully muscled chest would not be bad way to go.

But then again, I would much rather prefer not dying at all, if I could manage it.

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