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Nicole stretched, waking herself up, and trekked downstairs

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Nicole stretched, waking herself up, and trekked downstairs.

"Morning, Dad," She yawned. "Wait...Dad? Why are you on the couch?"

"Your mom, uh, is fixing up the bedroom so I came out here to spend the night." Daniel lied.

Nicole crossed her arms. "Mhm. We're gonna try this again. Dad, why are you on the couch?"

"Alright listen, your mom just needs some space right now and I'm trying to give it to her, but everything is just fine. We'll be okay." Daniel nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure."


Nicole then sighed and went over to give Daniel a "good morning hug."

"Ah, you're all alive!" A voice said from behind them.

Nicole got off of the couch and saw her grandmother standing behind her.

"Hi, grandma." Nicole smiled.

"Hi, my first grand baby." Lucille smiled and hugged Nicole. "Oh, how I've missed you. The last time I saw ya, you were angry. How are you now?"

"I'm okay." Nicole shrugged.

Lucille gave Daniel a look and he muttered, breakup.

"Well, I made some breakfast. Bacon and eggs. I even bought you the Minute Maid, Daniel, because I know you hate the fancy stuff." Lucille informed.

Nicole's phone then started ringing.

"This early?" She groaned and looked down at it.

She saw Mason's contact and answered it, walking into the other room.

"Top of the morning, Nicole." Mason said when she picked up.

"Morning, Mason. Isn't it a little early for you to be making phone calls?" Nicole asked.

"Well, I'm calling this early to tell you that you and I are going roller skating together tonight. It's 80's themed, so let's coordinate costumes. We can talk about it later during karate." Mason explained.

"Fine, but it's not a date! I'm still not over Hawk and I don't want to do anything romantic right now." Nicole clarified.

"That's alright with me, just as long as tonight you dress up like you're the Toni to my Michael from Secret Admirer or the—."

"Nope, I got it. An 80's couple. We can always do an 80's friend duo too." Nicole pointed out.

"True. Now, we'll discuss it after. See you later, Sam Baker from 16 Candles."

"Goodbye, farmer Ted."

"You were supposed to say Jake Ryan."

"Do I sound like Courtney to you?"

"Oh you're right. She loves that guy. Anyway, I'll see you later."

The two ended the call and Nicole sighed and went to get ready for the day.


"Hey, lovebirds, I'd hate to break up this sweet moment, but don't we have a class to train?" Nicole asked Sam and Robby as she walked into the studio.

"Yeah, sorry, sorry, we're coming. We were just discussing when we were gonna tell your parents about us." Robby informed.

"Well, you're gonna have to wait for them to make up, but I think Mom is gonna be happy for you guys. Dad, on the other hand, well, get ready for a lot of long lectures." Nicole nodded snd Sam giggled.

"I think it'll go just fine, we just need to wait a bit." Sam shrugged and smiled.

The two then shared a quick kiss and Nicole half-smiled and looked down, missing Hawk.

"Hey guys, come check this out!" Demetri called from outside.

They all looked at each other and hurried outside.

"What?" Nicole asked.

"You might really want to see this." Courtney muttered.

"Look what Demetri found!" Mason exclaimed.

Demetri then held up Mister Miyagi's medal of honor and Nicole's eyes went wide.

"That's exactly what I did!" Courtney whisper-shouted.

Nicole gave her a quick look, then turned back to Demetri.

"It was just sitting in these rocks." Demetri said and handed it to Sam.

"Is that Mr. Miyagi's medal of honor?" Sam took it in her hands. "That's crazy, we looked all over for this."

"Huh. Must've been here the whole time." Robby shrugged and let out an exhale.

Nicole shook her head and pulled Courtney and Mason into the studio when no one was paying attention, then started pacing.

"Shouldn't we be relieved right now? Why doesn't she look relieved?" Mason asked Courtney.

"Because the medal of honor wasn't here in the dojo." Courtney shook her head.

"Yes it was, Demetri just found it." Mason pointed to the closed doors.

"No, he didn't—."

"—because Hawk had it! Hawk had it so how did it end up here?" Nicole yelled, her eyes filling up with tears again.

"So then why did Demetri just find it here?" Mason asked.

"Exactly our point. Someone must've returned it." Courtney replied.

Nicole shook her head. "Well, it better have not been him. I don't want him anywhere near here. Or near me. I mean, the other day he seemed so confident and that he wasn't going to return it, so why is he back here and why the hell did he bring it here? What if I was here when he brought it? What was he gonna do then, huh? Does he not think? God, I hate him."

"Okay, okay, Co, I'm going to need you to breathe. Everything will be just fine. Now, let's discuss costumes for you and Mason tonight. Moon and I will be there of course."

"Yeah, tonight's gonna be a lot of fun." Mason nodded.

"Fine." Nicole sighed and linked arms with Courtney.

The two walked out of the studio, Mason following behind them, but all Nicole could think of was the four words she had just said.

God, I hate him.

But she didn't mean it. Rather, she meant a different phrase instead.

She meant a different word than hate, but all she felt in that moment was anger, even if she didn't hate him.

Even if she did...love him.

Just a nice little filler chapter for you guys!

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