"C'mon Josh... let's go to hotel, you're too drunk." I say to my boyfriend.
"Stop being so bossy! You do you think you are?" he says louder, getting attention from some people at the bar.
"I just want to help you, stop with this." I say in a lower voice.
"You're such a bitch." he says, getting even more attention now. "I knew I did the right choice when I slept with Meghan."
What did he just say?
"Don't look at me with that face! It was obvious!" he tells me. "What were you expecting?! Loyalty?!"
In seconds, my hand is in his face. He tries to react, but my other hand was already ready. He falls onto the floor.
I'm not an aggressive person, don't get me wrong.
I storm out of the club, more mad than sad.
"Hey! Hey! Wait for me!" Someone calls me. I turn around, and I see Carlos.
We met when he moved to Renault, I was doing my first year in F1, and I didn't knew anybody and neither did he. So we both got along. Then he moved to McLaren, and we kinda lost contact.
"What do you want Carlos?" I ask him.
"Great punch. You broke his nose." I stop walking. "Where are you going?"
"To be honest... I don't know. I don't want to go back to the hotel, I was in the same room with him."
"Come with me. It's just me on my room."
I look to him in the eyes.
"C'mon! We've already slept on the same room! Hungary '18?" he says smiling.
I smile remembering. "Okay. I'll go with you."
"My car is parked that way." he says pointing the way. He takes the keys out, and points them to the yellow Ferrari.
"They hadn't a red one?" he laughs opening the passengers door.
"I wanted a yellow one." He looks at me. " You know what?"
"What?" I ask.
"Wanna drive it?"
"It's that even a question?" he hands me the keys and gets in the passengers seat.
I enter in the car, I turn it on and my eyes open with the "roar" from the engine. I start driving to the hotel, while he gives me the directions. We get there, and when I'm parking, he asks me:
"How do you feel?"
"Really?" he says looking at me.
"Actually I am. It was getting toxic, like very very toxic." I sigh. "It was better this way." I say looking at him.
"I'm sorry." he says.
"For what?"
"I stopped talking to you after I moved. I kinda feel this was my fault. If we didn't lost contact I don't this would have happened."
"No no. This isn't your fault. But, why do you think this wouldn't have happened?"
"Well, you remember Monaco '18?"
*flashback from Monaco '18*
"I love you." he says holding me closer.
*end of flashback*
"The morning after you told me you were drunk, and that you don't remembered anything." I say.
"I wasn't drunk." he says looking at his feet.
"So you remember what I replied."
*flashback from Monaco '18*
With no hesitation, I press his lips against mine.
*end of flashback*
"You weren't very clear." he says making me giggling. "Let's go, it's getting late."
* next day in the paddock *
My night was a nightmare. I woke up crying in the middle of the night, and if Carlos wasn't there, I don't know if I would have stopped.
And I can't stop thinking about our conversation. Does that means he still has feelings?
"Hola? You heard what I said?" Carlos asks me.
"Sorry, I didn't."
"Don't worry, I can repeat! So, has I was sayin-" Carlos is interrupted by the last person I want to hear.
"Where were you?! I've been looking for you all morning! Where did you spend the night?! And why the fuck are you with him?" Josh says.
"Hey. Don't talk to her like that." Carlos says standing up.
"Why the fuck do you care? She's MY girlfriend, not yours." Josh says making me standing up. "Where the fuck were you?" he says to me. Before I can respond, Carlos says:
"Do you wanna know? I can tell you. Ready? Okay, picture this... me and YOUR girlfriend playing dress up in my house. And then, I gave YOUR girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch. Do you want more details?" he says making me smirking, and leaving Josh speechless. "But I'll say it in an easier way, I fucked YOUR girlfriend."
Oh Carlos, you still remember that night really well don't you?
"Now you're a cheater? You're not that shy girl anymore aren't you?" he turns to me.
"A cheater? No, no. We broke up yesterday. You were that drunk? Was Meghan drunk too?" I ask sarcastically. "Fuck off."
He walks way, leaving me and Carlos alone again. He grabs my waist and kisses me. He brakes the kiss and says:
"You're shy?" he asks me.
"I'm sooo shy." I say laughing.
[ slumber party - ashnikko ]
870 words
©️ Joana Fernandes Salvador, 2021_____________________
hi! should i write an one-shot about monaco '18?

FORMULA ONE - one shots
Fanfictionone-shots with formula one and two drivers! feel free to send me a request!!