765 31 19


S  T  R  I  K  E
F  I  R  S  T
April 18th, 2021


YOU LEANED AGAINST  your (color) headboard, scrolling through Instagram — laughing every time something funny popped up on your explore page. Miguel laid comfortably on the (color) fluffy pillow beneath his head.

The two of you have been sitting in silence for a while now, but it was a comfortable silence.

The only sound present was that of the cool wind traveling into the room.

That peaceful quietness abruptly comes to an end due to the five aggressive knocks coming from the front door.

Both you and Miguel jump up looking at each other confused, and a tad bit scared. (not even a tad, you two were scared shitless).

"(Name), if knew you would invite the police I would have never come over." Miguel whispers. You shake your head looking at the male. "You think that low of me Diaz? Shame." Miguel simply rolls his eyes playfully.

"Whatever, I'll get the door." He wasted no time to go up and slightly crack open the door. "Who is it?"

No response.

Miguel looks over his shoulder at you with worry written all over his face. "Open the damn door," a familiar raspy voice rings.


What does he want?

You jerk your head, symbolizing you want Miguel to open the door wider. Which he does without hesitation.

Once the door is fully open Blondie just stands there looking at the both of you, menacingly.

— And awkwardly I might add.

"Are you two ready?" He says — breaking the deadly silence that lasted for only ten seconds, though it felt endless. You and Miguel looked at each other, and then at Blondie.

"Ready for what exactly?"

Blondie sighs.

"To join my school? I took your word . . . girl and opened my own Dojo. Enough of the talk get in my car."

He says it like you were supposed to know this information already. Just a few hours ago he was cursing at you two, now all of a sudden he wants you to join his Dojo.

Then he almost breaks down your door knocking — no, pounding on it, now he's kidnapping you and Miguel?

This man has nerve.

"Well? The fuck are you guys waiting on? Come on!"

Once you all arrive at the Dojo once again everyone is standing completely quiet.

Other than the car horns blaring from outside — you were sure you could hear roaches under the floor having a party.

"S-so am I going to get the Karate pajamas too?" Miguel stutters.

"QUIET!" blondie yells, spooking both you and Miguel.

The black-haired boy gives a short 'ok' in response, probably wishing he had never said anything to begin with. "The student only speaks when spoken to, is that understood?" Blondie says pointing at Miguel and you.

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