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The smell of nail polish filled the room. With grace, you painted your nails a brilliant glossy (color). You bit down on your bottom lip, determined to get little-to-any nail polish on your skin. You tried to calm yourself from the overwhelming amount of emotions you felt. (Cat. name) nuzzled his furry head against your leg. This gesture calming your nerves almost instantly.

Eventually, you finished polishing your nails. You stared at the product, clearly proud of yourself.

You close the nail polish carefully. Spinning out of the (color) swivel chair, you plop down onto your bed. While laying there, thoughts flooded your brain. You started thinking about school, Miguel, Cobra Kai, and much more. Subsequently, your thoughts come to an end. You could hear the sound of keys jingling echoing from the kitchen.

Your mom is back home.

Feeling irritated you blow on your nails trying to dry them faster. As your nails finished drying you scrolled through Instagram. Your eyes started to sting seeing all your old friends. You missed them. You hated you had to move, but it was for the best. At least that's what your mother tells you. After reminiscing on old memories you sit your phone down on your (favorite. color) nightstand.

The apartment is eerily silent, you being able to hear your heartbeat. It was beating like a steady drum. The sound is almost comforting. Feeling the sense of drowsiness, you take this as a cue to lay down. (favorite. artist) playing softly out of your speaker, you quickly nuzzle deep into your warm blanket.

I haven't updated this story since what... early 2021? I kinda strayed away from the fandom a bit. I haven't even watched season 4 yet. This is just a filler chapter and an actual update will be coming soon. Also, I am not a professional writer. Somethings I write may not make too much sense, sorry. I started writing this story when I was on vacation and never really came up with an actual plot, so the timeline may not make sense? Just bare with me y'all lmfao 💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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