Chapter 19: Recovery

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After the feast where Y/n almost died at the hand of Mercury before Pyrrha saved him, Y/n was walking along side Weiss as they made it through the woods towards the river and Y/n and Yang's camp. Weiss revealed to Y/n that during the feast she actually didn't need anything and that the package left for District 1 was probably meant for her district partner, Archer. She left it and decided to use that opportunity to find Y/n, fulfilling her promise to him that she'd find him.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine."

"That nasty wound on your head says otherwise" Weiss replies with a sense of doubt.

"Trust me, it's not as bad as you think. I actually can't feel it much."

"Probably because of adrenaline. By the way I'm sorry I wasn't there in time to help you."

"It's not your fault Weiss. Mercury was a good fighter. He was experienced, just like you. My other run ins with him was just luck on my part. After all, Pyrrha managed to save me in time."

"I know. I just...I was so scared when I saw him on top of you. I know it's going to happen whether we like it or not, but I don't want to loose you Y/n. You're a dear friend to me and I-"

Weiss was cut off when Y/n abruptly embraced her in a hug which shocked her at first before she reciprocated. They stayed like that for about a minute before they part.

"Thank you Weiss. It means a lot that you care for me so much, truely. But I'm not going anywhere. Not anytime soon ok? We're allies-no, friends right? I'll stick with you until the very end" Weiss simply smiles and wipes away a stray tear before she giggles to herself.

"Right. Thanks Y/n"

"Now...we should probably get a move on. Yang's not gonna last much longer if I don't bring her this."

"Yang? So you found her?"

"Yea. It was actually the same day we split up. She was badly injured when I found her, still is. This is the medicine that she needs to help her."

"I...I'm not so sure I should be coming with you."

"What? Why not?"

"Well I'm sure she doesn't want to be around a Career. Especially since Archer tried to kill you after she helped you escape."

"Don't worry. I told her about what happened between us. I told her I trust you, in turn she's gonna have to learn to trust you. After all if the three of us are gonna face Archer, we need to do so as a team."


" me. It's ok. Yang may be my district partner and someone...very dear to me, but you're also my friend, remember? I'm not gonna leave you. I promised that."

After that, Y/n gave Weiss a reassuring smile which she returned before they headed of towards the river. They had to quicken their pace though, knowing Yang is in dire need of medical treatment. It didn't take them long to reach the river as the Sun reached its peak, shining its heat down on the earth and the two tributes. They stopped briefly to get some water from the river as they scooped it into their mouths, quenching them from the ever so hot sun.

After walking along the rocky path alongside the river, they finally arrived at the cave that has now become Y/n and Yang's new refuge as the District 1 and 7 tributes stand outside the entrance.

"Now, Yang might freak out when she sees you at first so I'll tell you when it's ok to come inside."

"Sure. I'll make sure to stay out here and keep watch for anyone else."

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐬 (Hunger Games x RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now