Chapter 3: Journey to the Capitol

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After their heart breaking goodbyes with their families and loved ones, Y/n and Yang were on their way to District 7's train station where their journey to the Capitol awaits. They were currently in an automobile making its way through the windy dirt roads of the district accompanied by their Capitol escort, Glynda as she was explaining some house rules during their stay on the train. All of this was background noise to Y/n as all he could think about since he left the Justice Building was how guilty he felt for leaving his brother behind without an older sibling to look out for him. And above that, the fact that he now has to leave the girl who just confessed her love for him behind, who he shares the same feelings for with the chance of never seeing her again. In all his time being alive, the only pain he could compare this too was when he lost his father when he was 5. Y/n then looks over to Yang who's sitting next to Glynda's right as she's looking at him, her face wet from what he can imagine many minutes of crying. Her confident, perky and upbeat attitude completely stripped away from her revealing a broken girl. Y/n couldn't blame her one bit. In many ways he felt the exact same way. They held eye contact with each other until the car stopped. They arrived at their destination as they were escorted to one of the train cars. People from their district, many Y/n could recognise from his class at school saying goodbye, wishing them luck before they made their way on board. Stepping onto the train, Glynda opens the door to the train car as the two teens where greeted with the pinnacle of luxury. Crystal chandeliers hung from the train roof, mahogany tables and benches placed around the room, platinum door knobs on each of the doors and even types of food and refreshments that they've never even seen or tasted before! Both of them went wide eyed at the sight of it, both of them completely in awe at how beautiful and grand it felt, especially Yang as she's never experienced anything like this. As for Y/n, growing up in Victors Village, he's never experienced poverty first hand like Yang has so this type of lifestyle was completely foreign to her.


After Glynda gave the two tributes a short tour of the train, showing them their quarters that had their own dressing area and bathroom and all the other different rooms and services on board, they proceed to sit in the main dining car where Glynda sat opposite of Yang and Y/n they sat next to each other paying attention to what she has to say. She went through some house rules regarding etiquette, manners and what not as well as to make sure we look tidy and presentable as can be once we reach the Capitol. Y/n could tell by just her mannerism that she was a women that likes organisation, order and seeks respect.

'With a dress that tight, no wonder she seems like a pain in the ass' Y/n thought to himself as she then proceeds to stand up and flatten her dress. Glynda then states she has some business to attend to and that she'll go fetch their mentor to brief them. She exits a slide door on the opposite side of the car as she leaves the two teens in an awkward silence.

The silence and tension between the two seemed to last quite a while as neither of them knew what to say to each other, which was a first. Yang just looked out the window of the fast moving train while Y/n sat there looking in the opposite direction staring into nothing.

'I can't take this silence anymore. It's too much! But....what do I say to her? There has to be something I can say to at least make her smile.' Y/n thought in concern for his best friend as he looked down in his hands. As Y/n built the confidence and was about to break the ever building tension, to his surprise he felt her hand grab his as she turned her head towards him. Y/n lifted his head to see her looking in his eyes, tears threatening to leave her eyes once more. He stands up as Yang mirrors him and envelops him in a tight hug that seemed to last a while. After a while she started to sob in Y/n's chest as he rubbed her back to soothe her. This prompted her to speak once her breathing settled and she was able to focus.

"When I saw the look in Ruby's eyes while I was on the stage back at the reaping, I felt crushed. I could see how horrified she was to hear my name be called out, to see me on that stage looking vulnerable. I didn't know what to say or do, all I know is that I was terrified. I still am! I can't help but feel guilty for leaving her without a big sister to look out for her!" Yang murmured in Y/n's chest as she slowly looked up at him with her beautiful lilac eyes.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐬 (Hunger Games x RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now