Chapter 11: Hunted

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Back in Victors Village, inside the living room of the Khan household, all of Y/n and Yang's friends and family where gathered around, sitting on the couch and surrounding chairs. They where all watching the the live feed of the games as they see all the tributes rise out of their tubes and onto their podiums. Axel, Blake and Ruby all sat close to one another, hands linked as nerves filled their bodies. Everyone was quiet, too anxious to even speak as the live feed panned over all the tributes. Each of them lightly gasped each time they saw either Y/n or Yang as they looked determined standing on their podiums, focused, especially Y/n.

Once the countdown started, Sienna could tell by the look in her son's eyes that he was going for something in the Cornucopia which worried her a great deal. Every time they've trained together, she's always advised that heading to the bloodbath is a huge risk, that it's not worth it. Clearly, Y/n hasn't taken this advice to heart, much to his mother's annoyance. The countdown continues as it starts counting down from ten, each tribute readying to run. Blake starts to panic a little as she never takes her eyes off of her lover, watching him direct himself towards the Cornucopia.

Once the gong sounded, everyone's breathing stoped in anticipation and fear as the initial fighting started to break out. All that could be seen and heard were the sounds of teens shouting in pain, blood spurting here and there, beatings as supplies were stolen, it was complete anarchy. Much to Tai, Summer and Ruby's relief, Yang ran straight into the forrest to avoid the initial conflict as she ran as fast as she could through the brush. On the other hand, Sienna, Kali, Axel and Blake were very nervous as they witnessed Y/n tackle the boy from 8 to save Pyrrha from 4. After he got up and ran away, the two boys started to fight along the outline of the clearing inside the forrest as Blake couldn't even watch. She was terrified. She looked away the whole time before she heard the sound of flesh being sliced, snapping her neck back towards the screen. What she saw made her feel relief but sorrow at the same time as Y/n stood over the boys dying body, knife in hand as he looked down at him.

Blake knows how sensitive Y/n truely is, the side of himself he doesn't like to show because it makes him feel vulnerable. But she knew that from this simple emotionless gaze he gave at the dying boy, he was hurting a lot deep inside.

Later in the day, Blake and her mother went back to their house to retire for the night after watching the first day of the games. Blake was mentally fatigued after stressing and worrying all day, watching Y/n and Yang make their way through the forest environment of the arena. She was currently sitting on her bed, huddled with a blanket wrapped around her as she watched the live broadcast of the games in her unlit room, the only source of light being the screen of the holo tv. She had just witnessed Y/n narrowly avoid the careers as they past him underneath the tree he sat in along with Yang who allied herself with the group. Blake saw her enter this alliance a few hours ago when the career pack found her shortly after the bloodbath. Archer spared her since he believed she would be helpful in tracking down Y/n.

To say Blake was pissed would be an understatement. Yang, who she believed to be her best friend suddenly turn around and betray her district partner, her own friend and ultimately hunt him down for slaughter made her blood boil. As she continued to watch, she balled her hands into fists, looking at the blonde on the screen with disdain and hurt as the screen went back to Y/n who was now sound asleep on the tree branch. Blake quickly relaxed herself as she looked on at the Tiger Faunus with a sad and sympathetic look, bringing her hands up to her chest.

*Knock Knock Knock*

A knock was heard on her door as Kali made her presence known to her daughter as light made its way from the hallway into the young Belladonna's room. Kali peaked her head through the door as she saw Blake on her bed still huddled, not even looking away from the screen.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐬 (Hunger Games x RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now