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"I swear I'll have to drag you to class if you don't wake up in the next five minutes, Ivie. WAKE UP!" So this is our monotonous wake-up schedule.

Diana, my roomie, screaming her throat out every damn morning to wake me up. Ana, as she preferred to be called, has been my roommate since our second year in college. Because of her outstanding academic record, she got promoted from Yale University to Columbia University. I struggled to get up and sat on my bed. I'm Ivana Wilson, and this is my life. I can't believe it's been three years since I got into Ivy League School with a major, which was my and daddy's dream.

"Oh man, Christ Ivie, you're still in your bed. Get up. We are going to be late" she made me hop out of my bed.

"Just give me ten minutes, Ana, and I'll be there", and with that, I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans and there I was, ready in exactly twelve minutes. When I got out of the room, I found Ana holding her hands together, staring in my direction.

"You are two minutes late, Miss Wilson", squeaked Ana.

She was wearing an oversized graphic blue t-shirt, black shorts and boots and all that was kinda making her look like she was outlining ten different ways of killing me. I gave her an awkward smile, trying to play cute so that she would forgive me. Ivie, she'll kill you, walk out the door and start moving to college.

With another failed attempt to calm her anger, I walked out to our car because we were already late. On my way out, I checked the mailbox. While surfing through the mails, I came across an invitation to an inauguration that was addressed to me. When I opened it to check who it was from, I was surprised to know that it was from Asher Grace. Despite the fact that he was my senior, we had the closest friendship. I was overjoyed to learn of the new office he had established.

We've kept in contact over the years, and it will be amazing to meet him again. We last met on his parents' anniversary, but it's been a while, and the invitation includes a plus one. It would be ideal since I would be able to bring Ana with me. This should be fun. I slipped the invitation into my backpack and hopped into the car.

Once headed to college, I took out the envelope and read it, trying to memorize the date, time, and location

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Once headed to college, I took out the envelope and read it, trying to memorize the date, time, and location.

" Who's it from?", Ana asked while driving.

"Ash... I mean, Asher Grace." I spoke while still examining the invitation.

"Asher, your best friend, that senior", said she remembered him from all the times I have talked about him.

When I initially arrived at Columbia University, Asher was my senior. Ash was in the same fraternity house as me. That is when we became friends. He shared his experiences with me, and I shared mine with him. Although I was only a few years younger than him, we had a typical best friend relationship. We had inside jokes that nobody understood, and we could talk for hours about anything. The simplest things made us laugh so hard it hurt. He was in his final year of his interior design major and was also a member of the college football team. He graduated soon after, so Ana never got to meet him but she knows him pretty well, considering I talk about him a lot. Ana will finally meet him if she agrees to come with me.

So after arriving at the college campus and parking our car in the parking lot, we made our way to our classes for our majors' lectures. I have Computer Science as my major, while Ana has pursued Mass Communication as her major. We both have English lit as our minors, and that's when and where our friendship grew, and we finally became best friends.

So after a ton of hectic classes and hundreds of extra assignments later, I was finally done with my major's lecture for the day. Ana still has half an hour before her lecture gets over, so while I wait for her, I decide to go to the cafeteria and grab something to eat. Waiting for Ana to join me, I was also planning to ask her to come along with me to the inauguration as my plus one. I was so thrilled for both Asher and Ana to finally meet each other because I babble about them all the time.

Taking the last sip of my coffee, I look up to see Ana finally walking into the cafeteria. After our little chit-chat and me forgetting about asking her to go along, we headed to our English lit lecture.

The notice on our classroom door read: "English Literature lecture rescheduled to next week."

"Thank God, I literally couldn't bear any more of these lectures. Ivie, let's go home, and we can order some lunch. What do you say? "

It was my growling stomach that responded to Ana's suggestion. It looked like the coffee I had was not enough. I was still starving.

"I take that as a yes," she said in response to the noise in my stomach, and with that, tired and hungry, we both headed back home.

Once we were home, we got our food from the delivery guy, who arrived shortly after we entered the house. I had already ordered some Chinese food while on our way to the parking lot. Efficient, I know, right? The food smelled so nice the hunger took over. We barely washed our hands before stuffing our face with the food, getting my head back after satisfying my hunger. I remember something I had to ask Ana.

"Will you go to Asher's inauguration party with me? "I blurted out before I could get sidetracked again.

She looked at me with a blank face, not registering a word I said to busy eating, so I repeated myself, explaining how I got the invitation in the mail this morning and that it allowed us to bring a plus one. She looked at me for a few seconds contemplating my request, which is fair because, to be honest, even I would think before going to be a part of someone's big day, someone I don't even know exactly.

After thinking for a while, she answered questioningly, "Um... Sure, I mean he won't mind someone he doesn't know showing up to his party."

"Oh, of course not you'll be my plus one, anyway he knows you, I mean, knows of you." I said, way too excited to realize her doubts about the idea, seeing my excited reaction even though she got excited and was like: "Well, at least there's going to be good wine, right" we both cracked up at that comment of hers.

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