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I realized it was time to share a part of Darren's story that he had kept hidden for so long. No matter how hard he tried to keep it all away. Ivie's question took me back to when Darren wasn't the person he is now. I sighed, choosing my words carefully before I began.

"Celine was Darren's first love, Ivie," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "They met in college. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he was smitten. She was the kind of person who could light up a room with her smile. Darren and Celine were inseparable. Everyone could see that they were meant to be together."

Ivie listened intently, her eyes never leaving mine. I could see on Ivie's face that she could not believe what I was saying. It was only fair because if I met the present Darren, I wouldn't as well. She was sitting there like a puppy, those eyes wanting to know the details. I took a moment, allowing the weight of the unspoken years to settle in the air before continuing.

"Soon after they finished college, Darren proposed to Celine at her favorite place, the spot where they first met. In no time, they got married."

Ivie's gaze remained fixed on me, her expression a mix of fascination and disbelief. The contrast between the past Darren, the one entwined in the joy of burgeoning love, and the present Darren, guarded and veiled, was stark.

"Shortly after their wedding, they discovered they were expecting their first child," I continued, the nostalgia seeping into my words. "Their joy knew no bounds. In the radiant glow of their newlywed bliss, Darren and Celine soon found themselves eagerly anticipating the arrival of a new life. The idea of being a father transformed Darren, who was previously known for his pragmatic temperament. His eyes sparkled with a newfound tenderness whenever he spoke of the life growing within Celine. They spent evenings together, hand in hand, mapping out the nursery, imagining the laughter of a little one filling their home. Friends and family, overjoyed by the impending arrival, surrounded Darren and Celine with well-wishes and baby showers. For a while, life seemed perfect."

Ivie's eyes widened, sensing the impending turn in the story. "But then..."

"Celine's pregnancy became complicated, and the doctors could do little to save their unborn child. The joy that once filled their hearts turned into the deepest sorrow. Celine's miscarriage shattered them, and the pain ran so deep that it left scars neither of them could escape. Tragically, amid the complications, Celine also lost her life, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a moment of celebration and new beginnings."

"Darren, who had been eagerly preparing to embrace fatherhood, found himself grappling with an unimaginable void. He not only lost his child but also his wife, his first love. Celine's absence left an indelible mark on his soul, and the pain of losing not only their unborn child but also the woman he loved with all his heart was a burden too heavy to bear."

Ivie's eyes welled with empathy, mirroring the ache in my chest. "That's so heartbreaking, Ash. No wonder Darren doesn't talk about it."

I nodded, appreciating Ivie's understanding. "Exactly. It was a loss that changed everything. Darren withdrew into himself, shutting out the world and burying the pain deep within. Celine became a name he rarely uttered, and the walls he built around his heart became higher and more impenetrable. Love once the source of their joy, became a memory tainted by unbearable grief."

Ivie's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she processed the tragic tale. "How does one recover from something like that?"

"It's not easy," I confessed, my voice carrying the weight of shared sorrow. "Darren chose to cope by locking away the memories, convincing himself that love only brings pain. He's guarded now, afraid to let anyone in, terrified of reliving the heartbreak. That's why he doesn't talk about Celine. For him, she represents a time of immense joy and unbearable loss, and it's a chapter of his life he's reluctant to revisit."

Ivie reached across the table and gently placed her hand on mine, a sign of understanding and compassion. "I can't fathom the suffering he's been through, Ash. I wish he could open up more, but I understand why he's so guarded." I returned her kind gesture with a grateful smile. "I hope that one day, he will find a way to heal and let go of the past. Until then, we can be there for him, support him through the tough times, and perhaps, just perhaps, show him that love can be beautiful once more."

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