CHAPTER 3- IVANA WILSON: "Inauguration Day"

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It's finally happening. I am going to see him after so long and to be honest, I'm more excited to meet Warren and Thea, his parents. They have always been so loving to me and always took me for treats whenever they would visit Asher in college; they were just hilarious, cheerful people. It always felt nice to be around them, especially when my dad lived so far away and couldn't come to visit me much.

I glanced at Ana and she looked a little nervous. I don't know if it was the dress or just her not knowing anyone here except me. We exited our car and gave the keys to the valet. As we were about to enter the place, I let my hand out full gentleman style for Ana to grab, and she did. She relaxed a little knowing I was there, and we made our way into the party. 

Once we were inside, OH. MY. GOD. I thought it was a small inaugural party, but this is.... Instead of Ana, I started feeling nervous. I looked at Ana, who was now calm and composed. I have never been to Asher's home before. We usually met at college or some place outside. But his home is so big, just like a mansion. 

Ivie, it's a mansion. Grand mansion with grand décor. PERFECT. Maybe Ana was right. We should have stayed home. Calm down, Ivie. I gave a smile to Ana, who smiled back and looked for a familiar face.

"Ash..... hey there you are," I called out as soon as I was close enough that I wasn't shouting at the top of my lungs. He dressed up nicely in a black tuxedo with a nice black tie. This was so not Asher Grace. I have never seen him in a tuxedo or suit before. He always chose T-shirts and trousers over formals in college too. He was looking perfect. A proper gentleman.

"Hey, smarty pants. You made it." 

Oh god no, not in front of Ana. She will not let this go. I could feel her trying to stop herself from bursting out laughing. Thanks, Asher. 

"Hello, Butthead." 

Perfect payback Ivie.

His face turned red like a tomato. Just like I don't like being called smarty pants by him, he too doesn't enjoy being called a Butthead. Ana was trying very hard to control her laughter. Asher gave me a warm hug and greeted Ana.

"Ana, this is Asher Grace, my senior and my best friend. Ash, this is Diana Young, my roommate and my best friend." I introduced both of them.

"Just Ana," she said, blushing.

"Just Ash," he replied flirtatiously, shaking hands. This was Ash being Ash.

"Ahem. Ahem. If introductions are over, can we now have a drink?"

With that, we went to grab some drinks. On our way there, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ash was trying to flirt with Ana but Ana was flirting back well, the best Ana could. To be honest, this was the first time I had seen her like that. She hooked up with guys a lot, but she did not behave like this around anyone, nor did Ash. He was a big flirt, but this just gave me a whole different vibe and I don't know how to feel about it yet but she looked happy and was not hesitant so I was okay too.

After getting our drinks, we went to meet Ash's parents. As soon as Thea saw me, she gave me one of her famous bear hugs and then I said hi to Warren and hugged him, too. I then introduced them to Ana and, well, they were as welcoming to her as they were to me. That was the best thing about them; they just embraced everyone.

While we were all talking and having a fun time, I saw a handsome guy walking towards us. He was tall, about six feet and a few inches. He had a bulky yet lean body and that black tux he was wearing looked so perfect on him like it was made for him. His hair looked messy but still put together in its own way. He had his really sharp face focused yet soothing to look at and he walked with so much confidence as he owned the place. It pulled me out of my trance as he walked to where we were standing and patted Ash's back: "Hey bro. I think it's time you address everyone here."

"Yes, I will, but here, meet them first. This is Ivie from college, the one I told you about and this is her friend Ana," he said, pointing towards me and Ana. So this was his older brother, Darren. Well, that's all I knew of him. Ash never really talked about him at all to me. But I guess he was talking to him about me, apparently. Hope everything he told him is good.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ivana Wilson." I said, introducing myself. Holy crap! Why am I being so formal? And so did Ana "And I am Diana Young, her best friend" he gave a tiny formal smile and replied with a very formal hello, which kind of threw me by surprise. He was Ash's brother, so I expected... well, I honestly don't know what I expected, given I know nothing about him.

"Oh, excuse him. He has an AI for the brain," Asher taunted, which he seemed to be unbothered by. He just responded by eyeing Asher towards the stage, to which Asher said, "ya, going. "He then headed towards center stage, followed by Darren to welcome and address everyone and possibly a toast.


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