Chapter 1

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Fraser gave me a kind but awkward smile as he passed me in the hall.

“Oh, trouble in paradise?” my friend, Kaylee, wondered.

“No” I sighed, opening my locker.

Fraser and I had been going out for two months now. He is in the year above Kaylee and I with blonde hair and brown eyes.

“Ara, tell me what’s wrong”

“I’ll tell you the second I figure out what’s wrong” I replied.

“Yikes, that sounds complicated”

“It’s not complicated, we’ve just hit the awkward stage of dating”

“And that is?” asked Kaylee.

“We don’t know how to act around each other”

“See that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t deal with awkwardness well”

“Yeah, that’s why” I smirked.

“Hey!” Kaylee screeched in protest.

I felt a weird, tingling sensation inside of me. I folded my arms over my chest and shuddered.

“Are you al-“ Kaylee began.

“Whoa” she breathed.

I looked up to see a group of guys walking around the corner. The guy at the front of the group was one of the most gorgeous looking guy I have ever seen. He had sexy, messy brown hair that was a lighter brown at the ends of his hair, spiking out from the top of his head. To go with his amazing hair was two knee – weakening hazel eyes.

Although he and his friends were laughing, he randomly stopped and shook his shoulders, looking around nervously while wondering if anyone had noticed his actions. I certainly did.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“Not sure but I have no compliments” smiled Kaylee.

“Go to class” I laughed.

“Yeah, yeah I’m going. See you at lunch ok?”

“Sure” I waved her off.

Kaylee and I were sitting across from each other at the lunch with a few others when Fraser came and sat next to me.

“Hey” he said.

“Hi” I smiled.

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