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(Happy Easter!!! I accidentally deleted this chapter so I had to retype it 😊🔫)

Ezra gasped as the Interrogation Unit stopped sending shock waves down his back. This had been going on for hours. He had no idea what day it was. All his memories and thoughts were scrambled, he couldn't focus on one thing for too long. He was in the most miserable state he had ever been in. And yet, all he could focus on was one thing. "Sabine." He would mumble over and over. This seemed to bring pleasure to Thrawn. "Sir, should we execute the Mandalorian?" A Death Trooper asked, impatiently. All the Troopers had seem to tire of hearing her insults from outside the cell. Thrawn sighed, "You truly don't understand strategy.." "Sir, she's no use to us!-" Before the Trooper could finish, he dropped on the floor, dead. Thrawn, holding the Troopers own blaster looked back up to the other Troopers, "Would anyone else care to question my strategy?" He asked calmly. Silence. "Good." Thrawn scowled, turning back to Ezra. 

Sabine sat against the wall, with her head in her hands. She had been throwing insults at the Troopers outside her cell for about an hour but it had no effect. Now, horrid thoughts filled her head. Thoughts of Mira growing up with no parents as Ezra did, thoughts of life without Ezra, thoughts of Thrawn destroying their lifes, just as he did Kanan's. Then the tears came. Just the thought of Kanan made Sabine miserable. She sat there sobbing, harder and harder. Just as she was about to get back to insulting the Troopers just for fun, multiple of them filed into the cell. The grabbed her by the collar of her combat suit and pulled her up. They grabbed her arm and yanked her out the cell. She struggled in their grasp and called them every name in the galaxy, "Stupid, Bucketbrain, Son of a Bantha!" She exclaimed trying to free herself from their painful grasp. "Shut up scum!" The lead Trooper declared. She was about to throw another not so nice name in his face when they opened up a cell, revealing a broken Ezra. He was chained to the wall by his hands and ankles, forcing him to stand. She gasped, and fought herself free and ran to him. "Ezra!" She exclaimed putting her hands on his cheeks. He had open wounds all over his torso. He also had a wide gash across his face as if a blade was slashed across his face. "Oh Ezra.." Sabine whispered, putting a hand over her mouth. "That bad, huh?" Ezra joked, weakly. She glared up at him, but gave in and wrapped her arms around his bruised neck and rested her face on his chest. The two were so engulfed by each others presence that neither of them noticed Thrawn coming up behind Sabine with an Electro-shock prod (Star Wars Taser) and jab it in her back. She yelped and fell to her knees. "SABINE!" Ezra exclaimed trying to reach her. Thrawn grabbed her neck and pulled her up. He wrapped his arm where his hand was and left just a tad bit of room so she could get a tiny gasp of breath. "Now, you will watch as I kill the one that you love most." Thrawn cackled. Ezra stared at Sabine who was helplessly pulling at Thrawn's arm. He took out Ezra's saber from one of his hidden pockets and put it to Sabine's heart, and repositioned himself, so the blade wouldn't impale him too. "STOP! STOP!!" Ezra yelled, making the Troopers wince. Thrawn taunted him by placing a finger on the ignition button. The world stopped spinning and Ezra remembered something he learned from the Sith Holocron, shortly after Malachor. He trembled. If he did this, he would be vulnerable to the darkness. But he didn't care. he would save Sabine.. He closed his eyes, and he focused on the Darkness...

(Put in some dramatic effect. Play this while you read the next part....)

"Let her go, Thrawn." Ezra said with a dark tone that even scared Sabine. "Highly unlikely. This. Is where the Bridger legacy. Ends." Just as Thrawn was about to press the ignition, he dropped the saber. He desperately reached for his throat and started to gag, dropping his hold on Sabine. All the Troopers laid dead behind Ezra. Thrawn was lifted into the air and Sabine looked at Ezra with horror in her eyes. Ezra's chains had been destroyed and he walked closer to Thrawn with his hand in the air, pointed at Thrawn. His eyes were a sickly  yellow and red.. He grasped Thrawn's throat and kept his choke hold on him. "I told you to let her go. I warned you, if anything happened to her, you would suffer at my hand. Your days of tormenting us..... Are over." Ezra said, in a deep, vile, voice. He summoned his saber to his hand and held it to Thrawn's chest. He leaned in next to Thrawn's ear and whispered, "Your legacy ends here."

(End music)

"Ezra no!" Sabine exclaimed. Ezra gasped and dropped his saber, his eyes turning the normal blue. He fell on the floor, and Thrawn's breath had been returned to him. He gasped and fell, unconscious. Sabine gasped and looked over to Ezra who was too unconscious. She crawled to him breathing heavy, and put her ear to his heart. "Still alive." She gasped. She looked around to the dead troopers and knew she had to get out now, before Thrawn wakes up. She was about to get up but stopped and met Ezra's lips. She put her forehead to his and put a hand on his cheek, "I'll get us out of here, Love." She stated determined. She stood up and grabbed Ezra's saber, strapping it to her belt. She then knelt down and grasped Ezra's arm and put it over her shoulder. She hoisted him up, with great speed. She carried Ezra all the way to the supply room on Thrawn's destroyer and set Ezra down on some crates. She found her armor and put it all back on. She strapped her Westar  blasters to her thighs and searched for some med supplies. After a couple of minutes, she found a kit and sat next to Ezra. She removed his shirt and patted down every gash with bacta. He squirmed like a five year old as she applied it, "Oh stop being a baby, will you?" She groaned. Finally she wrapped a bandage around his whole waist and over his shoulder. She then moved to his face and treated his blade gash. She patted his cheek and kissed him on the lips when she was done. She searched around for a suitable covering since his shirt was blood drenched. She found and Imperial under shirt that Troopers wear under their armor. She nodded and slipped it over him gently. "Alright, let's go Cyar'ika." Sabine sighed, hoisting Ezra back up.

Sabine, using her knowledge of Star Destroyers, navigated her and Ezra to the hanger and boarded the Lothwolf. She set Ezra down in the medbay and left the horrid Star Destroyer, praying this would be the last time she'd see it. She walked into the medbay and sat on Ezra's bed. She sighed and rubbed the gash on is head. "We made it, Love. After everything, we made it." "All thanks to you." Ezra responded weakly. Sabine jumped startled but then collapsed on her husband. She held on to him for dear life and sobbed into his shoulder. He put his arms around her and send soothing waves through the Force. When they parted Sabine scowled at Ezra and grabbed his ear, yanking him close to her face. Ezra yelped and stared at her wide eyes. "Ezra Bridger. Don't ever, use the darkside again. You scarred the kriffing daylights out of me." She said releasing his ear. He frowned and held his ear, ashamed. "I just- I couldn't let him kill you." He pouted. Sabine rolled her eyes and folded her arms. Then an idea hit him. He smirked evilly and put a hand at her waist. He then started to wiggle his fingers, tickling her. "Ezra don't you- EZRA!" Sabine yelped laughing hysterically, as he tickled her. "The great, mighty, and emotionless Mandalorian is ticklish!!" He declared as he tickled every sensitive part of her. "Ezra please!" She called, laughing. Ezra then grabbed her waist and pinned her down against the wall. "Say you love me!" He said continuing to tickle her. "I- I LOVE YOU!" She wheezed. He then stopped and collided his lips with hers. When they parted, Sabine got off the bed and strutted to the door. "I'll get my revenge, Laserbrain." She smirked before walking out.

(Bye bye Thrawn!!!!!)

For now.....

A New Generation (Sequel to the Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now